via TYT
Ron Paul is hated by establishment Republicans. The Young Turks host Cenk Uygur breaks down a politico article on the 2012 Republican Presidential candidate.
December 21, 2011
It becomes easier to like Ron Paul when the GOP hates him.
ron paul,
The Young Turks
December 20, 2011
David House of Bradley Manning Support Network, has 4th amendment rights violated
via The Young Turks
David House, co-founder of the Bradley Manning Support Network, was approached by ICE officials who took his electronic devices and did not return them for almost 2 months despite not having a warrant. Ana Kasparian and Cenk Uygur discuss on The Young Turks.
David House, co-founder of the Bradley Manning Support Network, was approached by ICE officials who took his electronic devices and did not return them for almost 2 months despite not having a warrant. Ana Kasparian and Cenk Uygur discuss on The Young Turks.
4th amendment,
Bradley Manning,
David House,
SPECIAL EDITION: Indefinite Detention Bill Passes Both Senate and House
I'm leaving for work right now.
My internet connection is slow as death, so this video won't be uploaded until noon, despite my starting to load it at 8am today.
If you want to help me get a faster internet connection so I can load content faster, please donate:
Obama Administration,
Obama Goggles,
occupy wall street,
The Punk Patriot,
Kevin Gozstola on The Young Turks talking about PFC Manning's trial, Day 4
Kevin Gozstola of Fire Dog Lake on The Young Turks talking with Cenk Uyger about Day 4 of PFC Manning's trial.
Bradley Manning,
Cenk Uyger,
kevin gozstola,
team wikileaks,
The Young Turks
Business Reply Mail Art
an anonymous fan did this using "Portland Paste."
Portland Paste is an anonymous art blog/ newsfeed / exhibition on facebook. Any graphic artist can take a photo of their political street art, and send that photo to PortlandPaste @ Gmail dot com, and it will load automatically and anonymously to the facebook feed.

note: the "Greenpeace" envelope is a credit card envelope with Greenpeace stickers on it.
Portland Paste is an anonymous art blog/ newsfeed / exhibition on facebook. Any graphic artist can take a photo of their political street art, and send that photo to PortlandPaste @ Gmail dot com, and it will load automatically and anonymously to the facebook feed.
note: the "Greenpeace" envelope is a credit card envelope with Greenpeace stickers on it.
business reply mail,
December 19, 2011
"Vulture Funds" is an actual term for private equity firms that buy up the debt of destitute countries and then suck money out of the desperate people. There are people right in the US of A amassing millions in this fashion. Make sure to shake their hand next time you see them and say "Love your work." (more
"Vulture Funds" is an actual term for private equity firms that buy up the debt of destitute countries and then suck money out of the desperate people. There are people right in the US of A amassing millions in this fashion. Make sure to shake their hand next time you see them and say "Love your work." (more
occupy wall street,
Vulture Funds,
Wall Street
To all the OWS peeps going home to families that don't "get it."
Ron Paul is now the frontrunner in Iowa.
via RawStory
"If [Bachman] thinks we live in a dangerous world, she ought to think back to when I was drafted in 1962, when there were nuclear missiles in CUBA, and Kennedy calls Krushev and talks to him, and talks him out of this thing so we don't have a nuclear exchange. and you're trying to dramatize this and say that we need to treat Iran like we've treated Iraq, and kill one million Iraqis, and some 8,000 Americans have died since we've gone to war? You cannot solve these problems with war!"
Also, to hear the applause coming from a GOP audience at the line, "WE DON'T NEED ANOTHER WAR!" gives me goosebumps. It might really be possible that Ron Paul could be the nominee of the GOP. I would LOVE to see a debate between Ron Paul and Barack Obama.
Because this right-wing hardliner would be running to the LEFT of Obama on War, Civil Liberties, Drug Legalization, and Gay Marriage.
I want to make clear-- I disagree with 50% of what Ron Paul stands for. I disagree that personal liberty and economic liberty are the same issue-- in fact, those two things are often at odds with one another (see Singapore for example).
But the 50% I agree with, I agree with 100%.
According to a new poll release from Public Policy Poll, Paul has surged ahead at 23 percent, with Mitt Romney now in second place at 20 percent. Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich has seen a dramatic drop in support, falling to third at 14 percent.
"If [Bachman] thinks we live in a dangerous world, she ought to think back to when I was drafted in 1962, when there were nuclear missiles in CUBA, and Kennedy calls Krushev and talks to him, and talks him out of this thing so we don't have a nuclear exchange. and you're trying to dramatize this and say that we need to treat Iran like we've treated Iraq, and kill one million Iraqis, and some 8,000 Americans have died since we've gone to war? You cannot solve these problems with war!"
Also, to hear the applause coming from a GOP audience at the line, "WE DON'T NEED ANOTHER WAR!" gives me goosebumps. It might really be possible that Ron Paul could be the nominee of the GOP. I would LOVE to see a debate between Ron Paul and Barack Obama.
Because this right-wing hardliner would be running to the LEFT of Obama on War, Civil Liberties, Drug Legalization, and Gay Marriage.
I want to make clear-- I disagree with 50% of what Ron Paul stands for. I disagree that personal liberty and economic liberty are the same issue-- in fact, those two things are often at odds with one another (see Singapore for example).
But the 50% I agree with, I agree with 100%.
civil liberties,
gop debate,
ron paul
Colbert Super PAC: Undaunted Non-Coordination
The Colbert Report
Get More: Colbert Report Full Episodes,Political Humor & Satire Blog,Video Archive
Buddy Roemer,
Citizens united,
Clean Elections,
December 18, 2011
Ron Paul talks about Student Debt
via Occupy Student Debt:
I would like to add that Ron Paul's idea of taking away access to loans and letting the free market sort things out is koo koo bananas.
The reason why people who work would want their taxes to pay for the college of somebody else, is because that somebody else might end up being the heart surgeon who saves their life later-- if they get to go to college.
A well educated society benefits everybody. College should be free for those who want to go. College students have become the new sub-prime mortgages. We absolutely should "bail out" student debt: That's the transition to a society in which education is free for those who want to pursue it.
"This is not an endorsement for or against Ron Paul. He is just discussing some important issues about our plight, and it is well worth watching and considering. He is the only candidate from either party to really take this subject head-on in an open and honest way."
I would like to add that Ron Paul's idea of taking away access to loans and letting the free market sort things out is koo koo bananas.
The reason why people who work would want their taxes to pay for the college of somebody else, is because that somebody else might end up being the heart surgeon who saves their life later-- if they get to go to college.
A well educated society benefits everybody. College should be free for those who want to go. College students have become the new sub-prime mortgages. We absolutely should "bail out" student debt: That's the transition to a society in which education is free for those who want to pursue it.
ron paul,
student debt,
Student Debtors Union
Chinese Authorities Lose Control as Village Revolts
via NDT
The over twenty-thousand residents of the village of Wukan in south China's Guangdong Province have expelled all local Communist Party authorities, including police, and blocked road access to the village.
The British newspaper The Telegraph was able to get a journalist on the ground in Wukan on Tuesday. Malcom Moore called the current incident the first time on record that the Party has "lost all control" in a situation of "open revolt." This marks the latest escalation in an ongoing confrontation between villagers and local Communist Party officials they've called corrupt and abusive.
For three months, Wukan residents have been staging occasional large-scale protests against a longstanding series of abuses committed by local Party officials. The villagers' biggest grievance was corrupt officials profiting from illegally selling the villagers' land.
The current intensified protest, including the expelling of all police and officials, came after the death in Party custody of Xue Jinbo. He was a Wukan resident who had served as a negotiator with authorities. Party officials claim Xue died of "cardiac failure." But Xue's family say there was evidence of torture on his body, including broken thumbs and bruises.
By Monday, locals had stopped an attempt by hundreds of police and security personnel to enter Wukan. Those forces retreated to a backup location three miles distant, and are now blocking all food and water from entering the town.
As of now, at the fifth day of what some are calling a rebellion, police remain blocked from entering, and some townspeople are making comments suggesting that the confrontation has become about more than just land seizures.
The Telegraph quoted one villager as saying "We are not sleeping. A hundred men are keeping watch. We do not know what the government's next move will be, but we know we cannot trust them ever again."
The situation in Wukan remains uncertain. Other media have managed to enter the village. But anything about Wukan is being quickly censored on the Chinese internet.
Youth Revolt
America For Kids! Episode 3 - the #NDAA of 2012
via America For Kids
Holy shit. This video starts off TERRIBLE. Please, for the love of god, watch the whole thing.
You will be rewarded.
America For Kids,
Kevin Egan,
Obama Goggles,
Star Wars
December 17, 2011
The Guards of State must reconsider their position
This is a message to the Police, to the military, to the TSA, to Homeland Security and to members of every other enforcement arm of the government.
via StormCloudsGathering
h/t to Kevin Zeese
civil liberties,
occupy oakland,
occupy wall street,
police state,
Veterans For Peace
December 16, 2011
24 hour Occuthon raising money for Occupations around the USA
Starting at 7pm ET on December 16th, going to 7pm December 17th, you can share your thoughts live by calling in at:
Find an occupation near you to support by clicking here:
We All Occupy
I'll be appearing at 2:30am on the 17th.
occupy wall street,
talk radio
[infographic]7 Facts about our Veterans that will Shock You
occupy military,
I disagree with 50% of what Ron Paul stands for
But the half I agree with, I agree with 100%.
civil liberties,
Dennis Kucinich,
ron paul,
secret prisons,
secret war,
D17 Anonops
occupy wall street,
December 15, 2011
Is Obama Incompetent, Cowardly, or Malevolent?
an great sample of logical thinking by Lucien Maverick
There is more in over at the original post, but this excellent set of paragraphs above is what really struck a chord with me. Laying out the history of betrayal of the base, it really seems to me that the Democratic Loyal has a severe case of Stockholm Syndrome.
I'd also like to point out that Liberals and Progressives DO have a place to go, where they can vote for somebody who is neither evil, nor insane.
Dr. Jill Stien is running for President with the Green party.

She's working to get ballot access in all 50 states, and thanks to increasingly exclusive and arcane ballot access laws put in place by both the GOP and DNC to keep third party candidates from challenging their duopoly, we are going to need to work extra hard to make sure that she is an option that we can vote for in 2012.
So that means we need to start working on it NOW.
"I previously had written a post where I had asked the question of if Obama was malevolent, or merely incompetent. I posed the idea that there are three liberal narratives that currently go around about Obama. The first is that he wants to do things, but the Republicans block him at every turn. I immediately discarded this option, because there was too much evidence against it. The second is that he never wanted to do any of what he said, and that he wanted to continue the Bush Doctrine. The third is that he did want to make good on his promises to the American people, but was simply too cowardly to stand his ground. Recent events have proven that neither the first nor the third narrative are correct. The second is the correct one. Obama is a malevolent force working against the American people.
The first major indication that Obama was playing dumb and really working to continue the Bush Doctrine was the acceptance speech that he gave when he received his Nobel Peace Prize. He basically said that it doesn’t matter what anybody else thinks, America can do whatever the hell it wants, without consequences. That was the first major hint.
The next was when he failed to live up to his mandate of closing Guantanamo, instead, he pretty much franchised it. That was the next big hint that something was very off about his character. Next up came the Bush Tax Cuts. Obama could very easily have stood his ground, and said that he would veto anything that they put on his desk. He could have told them that there would be no fly with this. Instead, he gave the Republicans more than even Bush II had given them. Bush hadn’t been so generous, so that gives kind of a statement of where Obama stands.
The next big clue was the Debt Ceiling debate. This was another instance where Obama could have stood his ground, because everybody who is politically aware knew that the Republicans were bluffing. There was no way that they were going to not raise the debt ceiling. With the AARP breathing down their necks and the old people saying “You damn well better get me my Social Security!”, we all knew that it was a bluff. Again, he gave them everything that they want and more. He barely even hid it."
"With the 2012 elections just around the corner, the big question becomes – what should we do? The liberals like me really have nobody to turn to. All of the Republican candidates are jokes. Newt Gingrich is an idiot. Michele Bachmann is insane. Rick Perry is a bigot. Rick Santorum is a dumbass and a bigot. Mitt Romney is the Republican version of Obama (except he’s open about his malevolence, whereas Obama is trying to mask his as 'change')."
There is more in over at the original post, but this excellent set of paragraphs above is what really struck a chord with me. Laying out the history of betrayal of the base, it really seems to me that the Democratic Loyal has a severe case of Stockholm Syndrome.
I'd also like to point out that Liberals and Progressives DO have a place to go, where they can vote for somebody who is neither evil, nor insane.
Dr. Jill Stien is running for President with the Green party.
She's working to get ballot access in all 50 states, and thanks to increasingly exclusive and arcane ballot access laws put in place by both the GOP and DNC to keep third party candidates from challenging their duopoly, we are going to need to work extra hard to make sure that she is an option that we can vote for in 2012.
So that means we need to start working on it NOW.
Jill Stien,
Obama Administration,
Obama Goggles,
Terrorist Expatriation Act,
War on Terror
December 14, 2011
Anonymous issues statement regarding #NDAA and #OpBlackout
Citizens of the United States,
We are Anonymous.
This message is an urgent warning to the people of the United States. The government has been plotting treason against you.
An addition to the National Defense Authorization Act, Sections 1031 and 1032, will allow the United States government to imprison any person who commits any act they disagree with indefinitly and without trial. Section 1031 reads, "A covered person under this section" includes, "any person who has committed a belligerent act." All persons accused do not get a trial. The Feinstein Amendment, 1031 e, states that, "nothing in this section shall be construed." The Supreme Court are the only ones with the power to construe laws. If this law is passed exactly 24 hours after this video is published, there is no turning back.
They will call us liberals and fanatics. Those are words. Look at the proof. The United States government is decieving you. If you do not wake up now, it will be too late. Your last day of freedom is today. Will you ignore this message and continue your day without another thought? Or will you fight back against this corrupt and vile government? The choice is yours. The latter is best. Petitions will not work this time. Corporates and Billionaires have backed up this law and the government is certain that you will not take action. They are certain that their "bread and circuses" tactic will succeed. Let us prove them wrong.
We are Anonymous.
We are Legion.
We do not Forgive.
We do not Forget.
To the United States government, you should've expected us.
BP Propaganda Remix
gulf coast,
Revoke BP's Corporate Charter,
The Punk Patriot
Lee Camp: Life, Liberty, and Indefinite Detention Without A Trial
It's seems that Obama and Congress have finally agreed on something! They support the indefinite detention of American citizens WITHOUT charges or a trial. Hurray! Cheers to cooperation!! [Also on today's Moment of Clarity podcast - NY Times bestseller GREG PALAST]
Subscribe to Lee Camp's YouTube channel here.
civil liberties,
civil liberty,
Indefinite Preventive Detention,
Lee Camp,
NYPD officer to civilian - Get out of my face, "I have a gun on me, okay?"
via ThinkProgress
Arresting 18 members of the 99 Percent Movement, hundreds of New York City police displayed tense and angry behavior in response to a peaceful #D12 protest in the Winter Garden atrium, owned by Brookfield Properties, at the World Financial Center in lower Manhattan. “Don’t get in my face,” one officer told a citizen trying to observe the arrests. “I have a gun on me, okay? I don’t want any people coming that close to me.”
December 13, 2011
SFPD sergeant orders officers: "If [Occupy protesters] do not do what you tell them, strike them."
In this video from the kettling of Occupy San Francisco protesters, SFPD sergeant Peter Thoshinsky (helmet #2197) is recorded walking the police line, ordering his officers, "If they do not do what you tell them, strike them."
The protesters who record this are understandably upset and try to engage the officers in a dialog about whether such an order is legal and should be followed. There's a certain amount of violating Godwin's Law here, which is understandable, even if it might not be the best way to win the day.
"If they do not do what you tell them, strike them." says SFPD while kettling OccupySF 2011-12-07
Occupy San Fransisco,
occupy wall street,
police brutality,
police state,
question authority,
[infographic] Pepper Spray: How safe *is* it?
nonlethal weapons,
occupy oakland,
occupy UC Davis,
occupy wall street,
pepper spray
December 12, 2011
[inforgraphic] Cars are killing us
peter kim,
Retired Police Officer explains Police Brutality
One cause of police brutality explained here by OWS protester and retired Philly Police Captain, Ray Lewis at Zuccotti Park. This interview took place 3 days after his arrest on November 17, 2011.
This video compiles multiple angles of citizen journalists.
police brutality
Help Dennis Trainor Jr spend 99 days with the 99%
FULL DISCLOSURE: I have a vested interest in seeing that Dennis is able to get funding for this project, as I will likely be hired back, possibly as a camera operator, and quite likely as an editor doing post-production work.
99 days with the 99%,
occupy washington dc,
we are the 99%
December 11, 2011
Pop music's popularity is dependent on sexual language
A recent study found that pop music's popularity is dependant on language that talked about sexual reproduction.
So this track will probably become the most popular pop song in America:
Sex sex sex sex by PunkPatriot
Which of course answers the question: Why does pop music suck?
The answer is: Because the average American is intellectually comparable to a bonobo in heat.
Your impulse to breed
says it's what you need
your top priority
is make new mouth to feed
sex sex sex sex (it feels good, do it now)
your body makes
you feel insane
you only use
your lizard brain
sex sex sex sex (it feels good, do it now)
just be a slave
to your biology
your nationality
your sociology
your geography
your economy
now dance for sex like you've had a lobotomy
sex sex sex sex
So this track will probably become the most popular pop song in America:
Sex sex sex sex by PunkPatriot
Which of course answers the question: Why does pop music suck?
The answer is: Because the average American is intellectually comparable to a bonobo in heat.
Your impulse to breed
says it's what you need
your top priority
is make new mouth to feed
sex sex sex sex (it feels good, do it now)
your body makes
you feel insane
you only use
your lizard brain
sex sex sex sex (it feels good, do it now)
just be a slave
to your biology
your nationality
your sociology
your geography
your economy
now dance for sex like you've had a lobotomy
sex sex sex sex
The NYPD are just bullies who break kids hearts
The police are just bullies who break kids hearts. Literally and figuratively.
Is Capitalism Unpatriotic?
I think it just might be...
My submission to
I have well over $22,000 dollars in student debt.
I have to pay $200 dollars a month just to keep it from going up any higher.
I am currently unemployed in a market with almost no employment opportunity. I am self-employed as a musician, which is sort of the same thing as being unemployed.
I've completely given up on life, or the idea that I'm going to have any sort of normal life worth living.
I've tried working full time to pay back my student loans, but the wages are just too low, the cost of living is too high, and I can't keep up with payments, and my debt just keeps ballooning thanks to compounding interest.
In fact, I just received a letter from my last employer, LL Bean, telling me about the great program they have connecting their employees with welfare services. That's right. They brag in this letter about connecting over 9,000full time employees with welfare services. They know full well that they do not pay wages that are high enough for people to live on, such that over 9,000 of their full time employees are on WELFARE.

You know things are fucked up in this country when employers take putting their employees on state assistance for granted.
I just can't see how there is any way to escape, aside from just not paying my loans, and living a slightly less shitty life.
I would actually gladly default on my loan, because I have no money, no income, and cannot get loans as it is. Really how much worse could it be?
I have also considered committing suicide in the offices of those who hold my student debt as protest.
But there's problems with both of these:
The first problem is that I owe money to three separate institutions, and can only kill myself once.
The second problem is that my parents are cosigners on most of my loans, and even if I'm dead, they still will continue to owe a mountain of debt that I cannot pay.
I can't even escape my student debt through death.
How fucked up is that?
I have to pay $200 dollars a month just to keep it from going up any higher.
I am currently unemployed in a market with almost no employment opportunity. I am self-employed as a musician, which is sort of the same thing as being unemployed.
I've completely given up on life, or the idea that I'm going to have any sort of normal life worth living.
I've tried working full time to pay back my student loans, but the wages are just too low, the cost of living is too high, and I can't keep up with payments, and my debt just keeps ballooning thanks to compounding interest.
In fact, I just received a letter from my last employer, LL Bean, telling me about the great program they have connecting their employees with welfare services. That's right. They brag in this letter about connecting over 9,000

You know things are fucked up in this country when employers take putting their employees on state assistance for granted.
I just can't see how there is any way to escape, aside from just not paying my loans, and living a slightly less shitty life.
I would actually gladly default on my loan, because I have no money, no income, and cannot get loans as it is. Really how much worse could it be?
I have also considered committing suicide in the offices of those who hold my student debt as protest.
But there's problems with both of these:
The first problem is that I owe money to three separate institutions, and can only kill myself once.
The second problem is that my parents are cosigners on most of my loans, and even if I'm dead, they still will continue to owe a mountain of debt that I cannot pay.
I can't even escape my student debt through death.
How fucked up is that?
student debt,
The Punk Patriot
December 9, 2011
Man Bulldozes his own home rather than face forclosure
I like this guys attitude.
"When I see that I owe $160,000 on almost a $350,000 home and somebody decides they want to take it -- I wasn't gonna stand for that so I took it down." -- Terry Hoskins, Moscow, Ohio
To translate from midwestern politeness into a language that people from NYC might understand:
Fuck me? Oh no, my friend, fuck YOU.
Banks forclose on homes in the hopes of reselling them and regaining their losses. By leveling his home, the bank has essentially nothing but the dirt it stood on. I applaud you sir.
diy punk,
occupy everywhere,
occupy wall street,
Bernie Sanders offers Constitutional Amendment to ban Corporate Personhood
Sen. Bernie Sanders on Thursday proposed a constitutional amendment to overturn a Supreme Court ruling that allowed unrestricted and secret campaign spending by corporations on U.S. elections. The first constitutional amendment ever proposed by Sanders during his two decades in Congress would reverse the narrow 5-to-4 ruling in Citizens United vs. the Federal Elections Commission.
Public Citizen's webpage:
People For the American Way:
Center For Media and Democracy:
December 8, 2011
[Infographic] Corporations are People. Evil people.
Created by: Online MBA Programs
Just a reminder
Click here to take part in this 3 step action, and push for the revocation of BP's corporate charter!
In case you missed this
So Rick Perry Made an ad:
And Second City made a parody of it:
What's sad is the real thing is so insane, such a cartoonish inversion of reality, that it's the one that seems like a parody; whilst the "comedic parody" is just... a guy saying things that make sense.
Rick Parody for president, 2012
rick parry,
rick perry,
second city
Occupy Broadway Highlights
Occupy Broadway,
occupy wall street,
Reverand Billy Talen,
Times UP
OWS is winning: Los Angeles calls on DC to end Corporate Personhood
h/t to Lauren Minis
I just hope that as people start TALKING like populists, that they start ACTING like populists, and that the movement CONTINUES to hold them accountable and call them on their bullshit.
I feel like the idea that this movement is going to take 30 years to acheive our aims is both a good and bad one.
It's good, because it gives people permission to take a break and keep from getting burned out.
It's bad, because it also allows people to get lazy, and to accept half-loaves.
The revolutions in Czechoslovakia, Egypt, Tunisia, et al,; they took decades. Or it only took a week. Depends on how you look at it.
Nobody knows the point of revolution. Nobody knows where we actually are right now. We won't know where the movement is on the timeline of revolution until now becomes the past. So keep fighting like the revolution is tomorrow.
Occupy Ninjas Take Manhattan
Make the difference.
Everybody is important enough to do big things.
diy punk,
Manhattan project,
occupy wall street,
Wall Street
December 3, 2011
Occupy Lincoln Center
Lori Anderson,
lou reed,
occupy lincoln center,
occupy wall street,
Phillip Glass,
The Punk Patriot
November 30, 2011
Theodore Treehouse is doing a kickstarter
theodore treehouse is a band that I'm in.
we're raising money for our next album.
if you click the link above, you'll get to see a list of all sorts of cool things that you can get for pledging.
Theodore Treehouse
The 1% believes their own bullshit
Yeah yeah, you're totally essential for all of humanity to continue existing, rather than a parasite on society who exploits an imbalanced system that rewards your sociopathy and greed. Uh-huh. Sure...
fuck the rich,
November 29, 2011
Sometimes numbers alone don't quite do the job
fuck the rich,
Occupy Sustainability
This is a little old, but it features my friend Brennan from OWS sustainability working group:
bike generator,
peak oil,
November 27, 2011
60 minutes: Congress and Inside Trading
This is not a GOP vs DNC problem. They BOTH do it. And it SHOULD be ILLEGAL.
THIS is why it makes equal sense to Occupy both DC and Wall Street.
THIS is why it makes equal sense to Occupy both DC and Wall Street.
Inside Job,
insider trading,
occupy wall street,
Wall Street
Joey Quits
This is a slow burn. Worth the wait.
Visit if you're a hotel worker who wants to make public your story of an unjust workplace!
Write to for info on submitting your story.
Visit if you're a hotel worker who wants to make public your story of an unjust workplace!
Write to for info on submitting your story.
Joey Quits,
November 26, 2011
Black Friday & Pepper Spray
So Black Friday has become more hilariously stupid than ever before, thanks in large part to the occupy movement, and the ongoing double standards of the corporate-owned media.
Now the Occupy Movement, as far as I know, hasn’t actually done anything in regards to Black Friday. All they did was camp out in a public space for the last two months, and then get assaulted by police officers for exercising the most sacred right in our democracy- the first amendment.
I guess who I should actually be thanking then, are the assholes in the NYPD and other police departments around the united states who have reacted to the peaceful demonstrators in the Occupy movement with insanely stupid shows brutality and violence.
Now it’s long been a tradition that on Black Friday, people camped out, not on public property, but on PRIVATE PROPERTY. For DAYS! Using TENTS and SLEEPING BAGS, in the hopes of being first in line to tithe their meager and ever shrinking income to the golden calf of consumption. It’s long been the case here in the USA that you can camp out for capitalism, but not for democracy. Black Friday shoppers didn’t get pepper sprayed.
At least not right away. In a Los Angeles area Wal Mart there was a woman who found a crowd grabbing wildly for discounted XBox game consoles like so many zombies tearing at the flesh of a live victim in a scene from dawn of the dead (which appropriately enough, takes place in a shopping mall).
Now competitive shopping is nothing new here in America. It’s long been something beloved by the news media and retailers alike. Economic Analysts actually use the number of people trampled on black friday as an economic indicator, the more people trampled, injured, and killed, the better the outlook-- which of course carries with it a whole other set of moral implications for capitalism which I won’t even bother to get into here. And this woman proceeded to take Competitive Shopping to a whole new level of batshit insane.
She pulled out a spray canister of that same chemical weapon used against the youth in Oakland, NYC, UC Davis and countless other occupations around the united states, she pulled out a canister of pepper spray, and proceeded to spray 30 people with the product to break up the crowd, so that she could get her hands on an XBox before they were all gone.
Now apparently, in the court of public opinion, Police cannot be held responsible for their actions, but consumers can, because she is potentially facing 20 counts of assault and battery for the injuries caused by the use of this chemical agent.
Now, I want to repeat this, because it’s really interesting how the media covers the same substance being used in two different incidents.
When pepper spray is used against mindless consumer zombies who are engaged in the idiocy that is consumer capitalism, THAT is assault and battery, and the victims are described as having “injuries.” Yes, apparently if pepper spray is used on you while shopping, it can cause injuries.
However, when pepper spray is used on peaceful demonstrators, it’s merely a “chemical irritant.”
Well, I’m pretty irritated by this double standard.
A real life example of what I'm talking about:
black friday,
corporate media,
pepper spray,
The Punk Patriot,
Motherf**king Huey Long
Just came across this and felt a need to share.
November 25, 2011
Anonymous and #OpPepperspray
The call to action:
And how it has gone so far:
[Powerful] One Man's Thanksgiving Hope for #OWS
occupy wall street,
occupy wall street evicted,
Wall Street
November 24, 2011
Oakland Police start "The Thanksgiving Potty Police-Riot of 2011"
Police attack Oakland residents at Thanksgiving dinner 2011. Porta-potties were delivered, police prevented them from being unloaded. People had to pee.
While attempting to get the potties unloaded, a police officer attacked one resident dragging him to ground and arresting him.
Later in the video, you can see a cop drawing his taser, and a resident preventing him from discharging his weapon.
Another example of cops creating civil unrest at peaceful gatherings by showing force for ridiculous reasons, such as guarding portapotties, camping, and exercising freedom of speech and assembly.
h/t to Lauren for bringing this to my attention
occupy oakland,
Black Friday / Buy NOTHING Day / Giftmas
Begin the running of the idiots!
There's going to be a bunch of videos like this one from 2010 surfacing on YouTube tomorrow, I'm sure.
So there's this video I made like two years ago:
And here's a video I made in 2008:
^^Music: Modulation Experiment #3 by Asher Platts^^
Video: The Punk Patriot
Wear this while occupying the mall
black friday,
The Punk Patriot,
November 23, 2011
Pregnant 'Occupy Seattle' Protester miscarries after Police brutality
It was reported today that Jennifer Fox, the 19 year-old protester who was pepper sprayed and kicked in the stomach by Seattle Police, has miscarried.
The Daily Mail reports:

Jennifer Fox shortly after the brutality occured:
From Kevin Farrell:
The Daily Mail reports:
'I was standing in the middle of the crowd when the police started moving in,' Ms Fox has said.
‘I was screaming, “I am pregnant, I am pregnant. Let me through. I am trying to get out,”’ she continued.
After being kicked and sprayed, she was rushed to the hospital by ambulance where she said an ultrasound confirmed that her baby had not been affected.
But she began cramping and went back to the hospital five days later, and she said she was then told by doctors that there was no heartbeat for the baby.
Jennifer Fox shortly after the brutality occured:
My reaction on the day of the incident
:From Kevin Farrell:
Seattle police sergeant Sean Whitcomb: “We are aware of a claim that a pregnant woman who attended the November 15 Occupy Seattle march has been treated for miscarriage. We are also aware that she has attributed the miscarriage to the use of pepper spray and physical contact by Seattle police officers. No formal complaint has been made. Consistent with standard procedure, the Office of Professional Accountability, or OPA, has initiated an internal investigation to look into the matter further. The OPA investigators will be actively searching for any information that will support this claim.”
jennifer fox,
Occupy Seattle,
police brutality,
Thanksgiving Message to the Occupy Movement
Occupy Wall Street: What do they want?
I think its obvious what we want. Any idiot who spends 15 minutes at any occupation talking with the people at it can come away with a sense of what our demands are.
The economic mode upon which our society is based, by whatever name you want to call it, is a homicidal machine, which requires us to ignore the connections between the way we live, and the problems in the world. For the machine to continue working, requires us to devalue the lives of others-- the lives of people we will never meet, either because they live far away in another state or another country, or because we will not live to see them born.
For the machine to continue working, requires us to ignore the fact that the lights are on in your house right now are powered most likely by coal, and that extracting that coal from the ground means that there are people in Pennsylvannia and West Virginia are going to die of cancer and mercury poisoning.
For the machine to continue working, requires us not to think about the fact that your cell phone or laptop’s wifi is made possible through the rape and forced labor of women in central africa, who are brutalized and forced to work in mines to extract the rare earth minerals used in wireless devices.
For the machine to continue working, requires us to ignore that our grandchildren’s grandchildren will inherit an earth characterized more by toxic chemicals and poisoned air, water, and soil, and less by unspoiled wilderness than the one we were born into.
For the machine to continue working, requires us to ignore the fact that we are killing the very planet that sustains us. Requires us to ignore the fact that human beings are so in control of the elements of nature, that we have fundamentally altered the chemistry of the ocean, causing massive dieoffs of coral reefs. We have filled the ocean with garbage. There is an island the size of Texas, made of garbage, floating in the Pacific Gyre.
We all know that this is wrong. We all know that there is a better way to do things, though we may not be sure how to get there from here.
The machine must be stopped. The homicidal machine that is western crony capitalism, it’s made of all of us. When we comply with the roles that the system has set for us, when we “do what we’re supposed to” we become more and more trapped by it.
But we cannot simply walk away. The grip of the machine on our lives is too great.
If the machine has a brain, the center of that machine is in Washington DC.
If the machine has a heart, it’s the Stock Exchange on Wall Street.
I would like to revitalize the call of the Occuppy Wall Street movement. This is not about sleeping outside. That is not what the movement is about. It’s about creating a new world. That new world is in its infancy right now, and the old world has been trying to crush it before it even has a chance to take hold. But this new world has taken hold. Now that it is in its infancy, the machine is going to try to destroy it. This new world is a direct threat to the old world’s existence.
In order to make this new world possible, we must stop the machine from working. We must shut down the heart and brain of the homicidal machine.
There is a prophesy by the elders of the indigenous people who live now where the Keystone XL pipeline will soon be. This prophesy says, that one day, the ways of mankind will be so wrong, and so dangerous to the earth, that mother earth will rise up to correct things, and that the people of the world must either rise up with Mother Earth, or face extermination.
Those of us in the Occupy Movement, we are like White Blood Cells.
Our world has been infected by a homicidal mode of economy, a homicidal mode of thought.
We must heal the earth, we must heal ourselves.
We must clog the New York Stock Exchange with our bodies and prevent it from functioning, we must clog the halls of congress with our bodies and prevent it from functioning. We must remain there, like white blood cells attacking an infection, until the homicidal machine is dismantled.
Have you ever been surfing?
Right now there is a wave of energy gathering. When a large wave gathers energy, the ocean pulls backwards away from the shore. The ocean becomes thin and shallow. There is a lull. The larger the wave, the greater the lull.
This winter will most likely prove to be the lull before that next wave.
At the point before things turn in the other direction, the draw out to sea is strong, and it looks like you are being pulled away from the shore. But if, during this low point, you are able to look around and position yourself well, you can ride the coming surge all the way in to the shore.
So occupiers, this winter, stay strong. Hold your ground, but don’t worry too much about short term direct action this winter. It’s cold. It’s time to focus our energy inward, to focus on staying warm, and on survival. This spring, during the week of the Vernal Equinox, when the earth’s life force surges forward, let us surge with it. Let us descend by the hundreds of thousands on both Wall Street and DC, and shut the machine down.
A homeless man came up to me while I was at the Occupation of Freedom Plaza in DC, and he said to me out of the blue, “I’m going to say this to you, because you seem like the kind of person who can appreciate this-- Being here in this space, I don’t have to say anything to be heard. I have power that comes from simply being here.”
That’s turned out to be true for the entire occupy movement.
While I spent time on Wall Street, and in Washington, DC, I’ve seen how scared the machine is of us.
At the Chamber of Commerce, all we had to do was show up, and they shut the building down.
At the Hart Senate office building, we showed up, and they shut the building down.
At the Rayburn House offices, 15 people showed up, and they shut down the hallways, not even allowing congressional staffers through.
Our power comes from simply being there. The machine is used to us misdirecting our anger into online petitions, facebook groups, rallies, symbolic protests. But if we simply SHOW UP to the scene where the crime is happening, suddenly the homicidal machine is exposed for exactly how powerless, naked, and illegitimate it really is.
It’s true. You want to stop the machine? All you have to do is show up, and the machine, which knows exactly how weak and frail it is, will go into self-preservation mode. At that point, the only thing we need to do is wait. If we scare the machine into shutting itself down out of fear, every day, for weeks on end, the machine will starve itself to death. If the machine lashes out with violence, it only betrays the total lack of legitimacy that this machine has a right to exist. It does not. The homicidal machine must be stopped for the sake of all of humanity.
On this vernal equinox, March 20th, let’s simultaneously, invade the New York Stock Exchange in, and the halls of Congress in DC and bring the gears of the machine to a halt.
Will I see you there? I hope so.
Fuck Shit UP,
fuck the rich,
occupy wall street,
occupy wall street evicted,
November 18, 2011
84 year old activst who was Pepper Sprayed by Seattle PD: In her own words
Dorli Rainey, the 84 year-old activist who was pepper sprayed by Seattle's Police Department, in her own words.
November 17, 2011
Photos from #N17 #OWS
Bloomberg says less than 1,000 people protested today. He must have had his back turned to the other 29,000 who were out in the streets today when he was counting.

#OWS protesters took their stories of being screwed by the US financial system to the Subway, using the People's Mic:

For no reason, NYPD kettled people into Zuccotti, with riot helmets on, and billy clubs drawn:

Police using Barricades as a weapon on the kettled protesters:

Brendan "Romania" who sustained a head injury when NYPD pushed him to the ground, hitting his head on a curb:

Police acting like 3rd grade bullies, pulling on people's ponytails:

The Gothamist reports on Unions and #OWS coming together at Foley Square:
With the unions involved, the Police led this march as escorts:

#OWS protesters took their stories of being screwed by the US financial system to the Subway, using the People's Mic:

For no reason, NYPD kettled people into Zuccotti, with riot helmets on, and billy clubs drawn:

Police using Barricades as a weapon on the kettled protesters:

Brendan "Romania" who sustained a head injury when NYPD pushed him to the ground, hitting his head on a curb:
Police acting like 3rd grade bullies, pulling on people's ponytails:
The Gothamist reports on Unions and #OWS coming together at Foley Square:
OWS and Unions at Foley Square from Gothamist on Vimeo.
With the unions involved, the Police led this march as escorts:
occupy wall street,
Live Interview with #OWS protester on the ground
So this just finally uploaded. I finished this video at 2:30 and uploaded it directly at that point.
If you want to help me get a faster internet connection to more rapidly upload content, please sign up to be a $10/mo subscriber in the sidebar -->
occupy wall street evicted,
The Punk Patriot
Undercover Cops assaulting #OWS protesters

The Plainclothes Officer on the left is the man who @LukeRudkowski videotaped after being punched in the stomach by him.
This is a common police tactic, in which plainclothes cops assault peaceful protesters in an attempt to spur them to violence, giving the police the excuse they need to legitimately (in the public's eye) start mass arrests.
They tried performing Mass Arrests earlier today, but ended up quitting half way through when they were unable to spur #OWS protesters to violence.
#OWS Stay strong.
November 16, 2011
Seattle Police Mace 84 year-old woman; Pregnant Teen
Today Occupy Seattle held a solidarity march for Occupy Wall Street-- which was evicted yesterday in a suprise raid by the NYPD. Now there are reports of police brutality coming from the raid on Occupy Wall Street, but I actually want to focus on this Solidarity March that happened in Seattle.
Seattle police spokesman Jeff Kappel said he didn't have specifics on this incident, but he said pepper spray is "is not age specific. No more dangerous to someone who is 10 or someone who is 80."
Oh good, so the Seattle Police Department feels equally okay pepper spraying both our children and our grandparents with a chemical weapon. That makes me feel really safe and secure. Thanks Officer Friendly for your kindly neighborhood watch.
I guess the Seattle Police feel that Chemical Weapons need to be deployed to protect us all from cheek pinching and lemonade stands.
Now reports from the protesters say that the Police were firing pepper spray indescriminately into the crowd. This is probably the case because Jeff Kappel, when asked if it were harmful said, "we probably wouldn't be using pepper spray if that was the case."
Jeff Kappel, meet me at camera three. What’s that? I’ve just got the one camera?
And you’re saying there’s nobody else here, it’s just me. And you’re saying I don’t actually have an earpeice. Okay.
Jeff Kappel, your job as spokesperson for the Seattle Police department means that you need to be able to talk with a well-informed authority. But I have to ask-- have you ever been pepper sprayed? Because I have. Sort of. I wasn’t directly hit, I was just pushed into a hanging cloud that had disbursed into the air after somebody 40 feet away from me had been sprayed. You know what this minor exposure felt like? My lungs were burning. My throat was burning. My eyes were burning. I could barely breathe. The people who were hit directly with pepperspray experienced a level of pain that I cannot imagine. They were writhing in pain on the ground, vomiting, barely able to draw a breath. Some elderly women I was with were suddenly unable to breathe and had to be taken away in an ambulance.
Those sprayed described the feeling of pepper spray on the skin as being akin to placing one’s hand on a hot stove, but being unable to pull it away for hours. And the effects don’t go away after just a few minutes. They don’t go away in a few hours. They don’t even go away in a day. The injuries sustained by the use of this chemical weapon last for days.
And you used this chemical weapon on a pregnant woman.
And somebody’s grandmother.
I want that sink into your conscience for a little while. Would you pepper spray your grandmother, Jeff?
So Jeff Kappel, do us all a favor, would you? Before you start to open your yap and spout some bullshit about how this chemical weapon probably isn’t harmful, I want you to ask one of your fellow officers to give you a faceful of pepper spray, to stab you in the gut with a night stick, lock you in a jail cell, and then deny you access to treatment for 24 hours.
Then you will have the knowledge and authority to tell us all exactly how harmless it really is.
occupy wall street,
pepper spray,
police brutality,
police state,
For Posterity: My livetweet coverage of the #OWS eviction
#OWS Sustainability Working Group's press release re the #NYPD forced eviction from Zuccotti.
2 hours ago Favorite
Colbert Report has scathing coverage of the NYPD and Bloomberg. #ows
2 hours ago
New Video in the works. Stay tuned.
2 hours ago
SPD pepper sprays pregnant 19 year old & 84 year old woman. #assholes #occupySeattle #ows
3 hours ago
#Occupy Baltimore confronts Karl Rove
3 hours ago
3 hours ago
Musician holds his own Occupy protest at World Leader summit in Hawai'
4 hours ago
NYPD have barricades around Zuccotti Park w/ 1 small guarded entrance. The park is WAY less accessible to the...
5 hours ago
Green Party Presidential Candidate Jill Stein Condemns Police Assaults on #Occupy Mvmt. Where's Obama on this?...
5 hours ago
Another Infographic from Peter Kim: Student Debt
5 hours ago
@paxromana5777 I saw that now! Ret Philly Police Captain! "Police are the 99%"
8 hours ago
@SagDec15 you should still look
8 hours ago
@V1ct0rCR0cc0 @current @TYTonCurrent whoa!
8 hours ago
America, WTF? #p2 #tcot #nowar #etsy #tshirt #ows #WTF
8 hours ago
Democracy Now! was at #OWS filming during eviction. Their report:
8 hours ago
65% of bikes have been returned! #OWS Sustainibility needs help carrying 13 stands, 10 bikes, at 56th Street between 11 and 12th
8 hours ago
Protesters return to Zuccotti. Photo Tumbler by Nytimes #ows #p2 #tcot
8 hours ago
As Zuccotti Park was cleared, Congress was gutting the Financial Reform Bill #p2 #ows #WTF
8 hours ago
#OWS seranades police: "WTF?!"
9 hours ago
So #OWS protesters will be able to get their stuff (that NYPD poured trash cans out onto) from NY Sanitation Wed...
10 hours ago
New York, New York
11 hours ago
ACRONYM TV: NYPD brutality only makes #OWS Stronger
11 hours ago
Footage of arrests at #OWS that the NYPD didn't want you to see
11 hours ago
nykcsa chuck robinson
everyone go read @ @PunkPatriot's tweets from the last 48 hrs. #OWS evicted by #NYPD...
15 Nov
Retweeted by @PunkPatriot
dunielleV dunielle v
The 1% Don't Understand How The World Works… via @ @PunkPatriot
23 hours ago
Retweeted by @PunkPatriot
Unions say crackdown on #OWS will make Thursday's day of action even bigger. #ThanksNYPD! #ThanksBloomberg!
17 hours ago
It goes like this: nonviolent resistance > violent repression > growing nonviolent resistance (repeat until...
17 hours ago
#OWS vows to shut down subways, wall st, NYSE etc. #N17 BE THERE
19 hours ago
#N17 MASS DAY OF ACTION - SHUT DOWN WALL ST! Occupy The Subways! Shut Down Wall St! #ows #p2 #BeThere!
19 hours ago
Keith Olbermann: Jean Quan must repent, or resign. #ows #oo #p2
19 hours ago
Keith Olbermann: Why #OWS needs Bloomberg
20 hours ago
@GetRidOfH8ters we'd created an incubator for a new way to structure society & inspired a global movement against the financial system...
20 hours ago
@taboo1099 true
20 hours ago
@nykcsa thank you!
20 hours ago
NYPD Occupying Zuccotti Park: Demands Remain Unclear #ows
21 hours ago
NYPD assaults man, punches woman in face, laughs while doing it
15 Nov
NYPD illegally occupies Zuccotti, assaults man, punches woman in the face #OWS
15 Nov
come support #OWS, come down to Zuccotti and support the jailed protestors at 1 police place by Foley Square
15 Nov
Photo of the Police Destroying #OWS Sustainability's bike generators #NYPD #POLICESTATE #ASSHOLES
15 Nov
@Buddhagem I remind everybody.
15 Nov
@GetRidOfH8ters oh really? We probably shouldn't have been protesting either, right? We should just let everything keep going as usual?
15 Nov
MenopslStoners p.e.nolan
The 1% Don't Understand How The World Works… via @ @PunkPatriot
15 Nov
Retweeted by @PunkPatriot
@billf227 why are you a dick?
15 Nov
@lizavp I plan on being back at #OWS for thursday... #N17
15 Nov
@lizavp I'm not, I had left #OWS for my homestate that morning. I was watching two livestreams, and listening to WBAI.
15 Nov
@trg83 what?
15 Nov
Just woke up. It's 6pm. 72 hours awake was a baaaad idea.
15 Nov
ferox35 Earthling....
@ @PunkPatriot dumptrucks are the new 'fires'
15 Nov
Retweeted by @PunkPatriot
Well, now that #OWS has been evicted, Zuccotti can go back to being an unused public park in a souless part of NYC.
15 Nov
NO FUCKING WAY. In an effort to "clean and restore" the park, the NYPD cut down the trees to remove the hard...
15 Nov
Occupy Wall Street was evicted. My reaction. Yours?
15 Nov
15 Nov
Just a reminder about Nonviolence. #ows
15 Nov
@ @PunkPatriot Bullies and jack-booted lapdogs have no use for knowledge.
15 Nov
Retweeted by @PunkPatriot
CBDSDFX Claire Brooksbank
@ @PunkPatriot Amen. Why save books? LIteracy breeds critical thinking.
15 Nov
Retweeted by @PunkPatriot
Yeah, Nazis burned books. But were ideologically driven by the CONTENT of the books. NYPD threw away the entire...
15 Nov
9am there's a GA at Canal Street. Arrests at Pine and Broadway. I'm toast. I'm going to sleep. #ows
15 Nov
Watching the livestream and seeing friends of mine, and wishing I was back at #OWS right now.
15 Nov
NYPD threw our entire library into a garbage truck. That seems fitting, that they would toss a library full of books into the trash. #ows
15 Nov
I can't fucking wait to hear Mayor corporate overlord @MikeBloomberg try to justify the beating of #NYC protestors by the #NYPD.#OWS
15 Nov
15 Nov
ProjectPiff ProjectPiff
15 Nov
Retweeted by @PunkPatriot
Frankie7500 Frankie ™
I can't fucking wait to hear Mayor corporate overlord @MikeBloomberg try to justify the beating of #NYC protestors by the #NYPD.#OWS
15 Nov
Retweeted by @PunkPatriot
RT @iiamelii Al Jazeera English is livestreaming #OWS. None of the 24 hr American news stations are. Shameful.
15 Nov
Unionized NY Dept of Sanitation workers are currently loading all our stuff into garbage trucks. #scabs #shame
15 Nov
Apparently a bunch of people were advocating violence against the cops earlier, but they all ran away once the cops came. #ows #provocateurs
15 Nov
Transparency is a principal of solidarity. Anybody who says otherwise isn't actually part of #OWS
15 Nov
"Anarchists" are trying to shut down the livestream, they are committing property destruction. They are also...
15 Nov
The people who refuse to be filmed, and who are committing property destruction, are cops or hired by cops (live at
15 Nov
These ppl who don't want to be filmed are probably cops (live at
15 Nov
I haven't slept since I woke up yesterday and spent the day at the Sustainability table at #OWS. 48 hrs w/o sleep slowly becomes 72
15 Nov
@jamiekilstein listening to NYPD scanner online, they can't get the garbage trucks to #OWS. HOLD THE STREET!
15 Nov
@jamiekilstein @OccupyWallStNYC there are 100 people holding a GA there right now
15 Nov
.@OccupyWallStNYC Been listening to Police scanner online: #NYPD can't find a way for sanitation to get their trucks to #OWS. HOLD POSITION
15 Nov
HOLD BROADWAY AND PINE! The Police cannot find any way for garbage trucks to get to #ows right now!
15 Nov
15 Nov
HOLD PINE AND BROADWAY! Police scanner: looking for a way to get garbage trucks to #ows, but can't (live at
15 Nov
From Police Scanner: Looking for way to get garbage trucks to #OWS. HOLD PINE AND BROADWAY! (live at
15 Nov
From Police Scanner : "We need to find a way for sanitation to get to Zuccotti Park."
15 Nov
Broadway and Pine is trending on twitter right now #ows
15 Nov
Al Jazzera the first mainstream media to cover #OWS eviction today. #MediaBlackout
15 Nov
@spinflux @mmflint There's a standoff in the center of the intersection of Pine and Broadway
15 Nov
RT @spinflux @mmflint Ustream wants to know if they should go to Foley or stay, please tweet
15 Nov
"Fuck the Police State! Pardon my language, but #ows is being evicted, they have shut down trains in the...
15 Nov
"You're sexy, you're cute, take off your riot suit." #OWS to #NYPD
15 Nov
15 Nov
Listen to NYPD dist 1-3 scanners online #ows
15 Nov
audio down? (live at
15 Nov
Police are overwhelmed on broadway. there's a SEA of people. #ows
15 Nov
cdinicolo Chris DiNicolo
@ @PunkPatriot Thank science for twitter and facebook, otherwise there would be no information about the #OWS raid. #CorporateMedia
15 Nov
Retweeted by @PunkPatriot
@champain2 @MMFlint the march is headed from Foley back to Zuccotti right now
15 Nov
Hey there. That's correct. ULocks around the neck, together, was last line of defence (live at
15 Nov
is that abe? (live at
15 Nov
Pine street totally blocked with protesters. #ows
15 Nov
RT @MMFlint #OWS: Go to Foley Square right now to regroup. Centre and Worth Sts.
15 Nov
Garbage truck backing down pine street, finding another route. #ows
15 Nov
#OWS blocking garbage truck with their stuff in it. Police guarding the garbage truck. Shit could go down soon.
15 Nov
Garbage trucks coming through Pine Street right now filled with tents, sleeping bags, bikes, tables, chairs #ows
15 Nov
MT @MMFlint Occupy's across US raided this weekend- now NYC- Planned & coordinated by the Dept. of Homeland...
15 Nov
There are multiple LRADs deployed at #OWS right now
15 Nov
Evicted #OWS protesters about to form a GA in the center of the intersection of Broadway and Pine. #Beautiful
15 Nov
Last line of defense is still in the park, total media blackout. The NYPD could kill them and nobody would know. #OWS
15 Nov
There is a group of people who have hard locked themselves as park defense using U-Locks around their necks in the center of the park. #ows
15 Nov
@changetheworldt @JoshHarkinson that is FUCKED
15 Nov
changetheworldt ChangeTheWorldTees
@JoshHarkinson @ @PunkPatriot Video of people in kitchen tent being tear gassed
15 Nov
Retweeted by @PunkPatriot
Original report seems to have been correct. Police have been blocking subways stops around the #OWS two block blockade
15 Nov
#OWS protesters in Kitchen HAVE BEEN TEARGASSED
15 Nov
Why the fuck are police dumping trash out of trash cans onto people's sleeping bags? That's fucking childish and stupid. #ows
15 Nov
#NYPD is controlling airspace. No news helicopters are allowed above #ows. Total media blackout. #POLICESTATE #FASCISM #TahrirUSA
15 Nov
#N17 November 17, we're going to SHUT DOWN WALL STREET #OWS
15 Nov
CONFIRMED: LRAD is deployed at #OWS
15 Nov
I'm hearing an unconfirmed reports that ALL subways in NYC are shut down #ows
15 Nov
Bridges shut down, subways shut down, the press is shut down, freedom is shut down, first amendment rights are...
15 Nov
@thesciencebabe I'm not actually the one who designed them. It's pretty simple tho. I can get you in contact with them.
15 Nov
If you're going down to #ows right now, I guess you have to go by cab or foot
15 Nov
Brooklyn bridge apparently also shut down #OWS
15 Nov
Just in: NYC shut down all the train stops around zucotti #OWS
15 Nov
@freddoso don't be an asshole
15 Nov
.@derekahunter It's public property. And yes, it IS their home. You clearly haven't been there.
15 Nov
.@AnitaStewart I haven't slept in 48 hours #ows
15 Nov
And so Wall Street manages to kick people out of their homes ONCE AGAIN. #p2 #OWS #TCOT
15 Nov
Just got word my friend Keegan was arrested. #ows
15 Nov
15 Nov
The press is completely blockaded outside of #ows
15 Nov
.@MikeBoring @freddoso If police smashed the coal plants in, you'd have similar results in your house.
15 Nov
@thesciencebabe @michellemalkin @freddoso We will begin rebuilding tomorrow. That's what we do. We get stuff done. #ows
15 Nov
@jsanzone it IS public space
15 Nov
.@kyleraccio What's to laugh at exactly?
15 Nov
.@freddoso Clearly the bikes were a threat, providing light and cell phone charging stations.
15 Nov
@bri930 @michellemalkin @freddoso The police removed the biodiesel power generator, so we build generators from bikes
15 Nov
Retraction, just Todd Starnes was being a dick. Michelle Malkin wasn't.
15 Nov
Sweet. Michelle Malkin and Todd Starnes Are making fun of #OWS raid. #Assholes
15 Nov
@thesciencebabe @michellemalkin @freddoso I feel so bad for the electricians and machinists who donated their time #OWS
15 Nov
.@jsanzone More specifically George and Keegan worked their asses off on those bikes.
15 Nov
.@jsanzone We worked our asses off on those bike generators. #ows
15 Nov
UNCONFIRMED: Possible LRAD on site
15 Nov
Police are now giving orders to remaining protesters to leave immediately. They are locking arms. #ows
15 Nov
NYPD pushing press away from the scene, trying to keep it from being covered, I'm sure they had a version of...
15 Nov
The police destroyed our fucking bike generators. #ASSHOLES #OWS #Sustainability
15 Nov
The POLICE are the ones acting like Black Bloc anarchist punks that they say we are, THEY are the ones trashing stuff, beating people #ows
15 Nov
Its clear why the NYPD have been trying to "Boy Who Cried" wolf us at #OWS, showing up with a gazillion wagons...
15 Nov
WBAI covering #OWS eviction. Talking about fascism. Fuck yes these guys rule. #p2
15 Nov
Fucking A. These kids are dancing and singing while riot police are arresting them. #bravery #OWS
15 Nov
15 Nov
RT @RDevro: #NYPD Police just stole NBC press pass from anchor
15 Nov
"Half a million dollars, that you're throwing into a landfill. How does that feel in your conscience?" - Anon girl at #OWS to cops
15 Nov
BREAKING: Sounds of #NYPD flash grenades going off in park #ows
15 Nov
@NickGulotta: many arrests, many injured, 100s of riot cops
15 Nov
_rosiegray Rosie Gray
A cop just grabbed me by the arm and threw me across the sidewalk - I yelled "don't push me" but that pissed him off I think
15 Nov
Retweeted by @PunkPatriot
The #WallStreet thugs #NYPD made the mistake of doing this tonight. The Day of Mass Action on Nov17th at the NYSE is going to be #EPIC
15 Nov
You would think the #NYPD would at least let people take their stuff out of the park, but no, they're fucking...
15 Nov
They're fucking dumping garbage cans out on top of people's backpacks and tents. #ASSHOLES #NYPD #OWS
15 Nov
.@_rosiegray Push your way into the park!
15 Nov
RT @DemocracyNow: Police now tearing apart #OWS library
15 Nov
MT @_rosiegray (Village Voice) Me: "I'm Press!" - Cop: "Not Tonight."
15 Nov
blogdiva Liza Sabater
PRESS denied access to #OWS RT @Newyorkist: RT @quinnnorton: Yeah me too RT @_rosiegray: Me: "I'm press!" Lady cop: "not tonight" #ows
15 Nov
Retweeted by @PunkPatriot
The Unionized sanitation workers are assisting the NYPD to trash the park #SHAME #ows #union #scab
15 Nov
RT @Kristengwynne (AlterNet) Holyshit, this is crazy pepper spra, pushing us, beating and arresting peaceful protesters #OWS
15 Nov
As soon as you threaten power, the homicidal machine lashes out #ows #N17 #TwoMonthAnniversary #NYSE #NYPD
15 Nov
I think this is a strategic move to weaken #ows prior to the #N17 day of action at the NYSE
15 Nov
#OWS last time NYPD tried a big action against OWS, over 60,000 people took to the street. What will happen next...
15 Nov
Ghostpickles poems
#OWS last time NYPD tried a big action against OWS, over 60,000 people took to the street. What will happen next will dwarf that.
15 Nov
Retweeted by @PunkPatriot
#OWS occupiers are sitting down, nonviolently, as riot police loom over them, and arrest them one by one
15 Nov
#OWS Livestream here.
15 Nov
WBAI radio is broadcasting live from Zuccotti Park, NYC as police raid it now: #ows
15 Nov
People are camping out in tents for the next five days for tickets to the Twilight premiere. WHERE ARE THE RIOT...
15 Nov
davidcolburn David Colburn
People are camping out in tents for the next five days for tickets to the Twilight premiere. WHERE ARE THE RIOT POLICE? #occupyoakland #ows
14 Nov
Retweeted by @PunkPatriot
15 Nov
Tents, beds, personal belongings, tables, chairs, are being broken and thrown into piles
15 Nov
Sharing the link to the Global Revolution LiveStream is nice, but if you're in the NY area, GO TO Liberty and Broadway NOW
15 Nov
Firetrucks are being used to block footage of the raid from the LiveStream team in the Media Working Group #ows
15 Nov
Okay, I've just heard confirmation from @kristengwynne (AlterNet) that pepper spray has been used at #OWS
15 Nov
If you are in NYC, get to #OWS... NOW
15 Nov
#OWS singing "America the Beautiful" while riot cops push their way into the park
15 Nov
I'm hearing from a friend on the ground, a two block radius around #ows has been sealed off #raid #nypd
15 Nov
Police have been working to block park off for 1 block in every direction #ows #BeingRaided by #NYPD #p2
15 Nov
Somebody is getting needlessly violent. Can't tell if it's a plainclothes cop, a cop, or a protester #ows
15 Nov
Livestream team from #ows are being dragged across the street from Zuccottii
15 Nov
Police are walking into #OWS right now
15 Nov
Ironic-- the "Are you ready for a revolution? 11/11/11" Ads from the NY historical society are on the buses driving by #ows
15 Nov
#OWS protesters are only being allowed one armful of belongings
15 Nov
The Police are not allowing mainstream media to come in to the park or surrounding sidwalks to cover the upcoming raid #ows
15 Nov
I feel so useless right now. I was just at #OWS yesterday, I haven't slept since 10am yesterday. Looks like I'm...
15 Nov
From what I understand, the Police have stolen the bike generators from sustainability? #ows
15 Nov
#OWS completely surrounded. The only thing getting in or out is screaming.
15 Nov
GET DOWN TO THE PARK NOW. WE NEED 100,000 PEOPLE HERE #OWS - #globalrevolution live on…
15 Nov
15 Nov
New Rule: If your city tries to arrest Occupy Protesters, then it also has to arrest people camping in frount of...
15 Nov
So a friend of mine has suddenly started have the same problem with text messages being delayed for days at a time...
15 Nov
#OWS Sustainability Working Group's press release re the #NYPD forced eviction from Zuccotti.
2 hours ago Favorite
Colbert Report has scathing coverage of the NYPD and Bloomberg. #ows
2 hours ago
New Video in the works. Stay tuned.
2 hours ago
SPD pepper sprays pregnant 19 year old & 84 year old woman. #assholes #occupySeattle #ows
3 hours ago
#Occupy Baltimore confronts Karl Rove
3 hours ago
3 hours ago
Musician holds his own Occupy protest at World Leader summit in Hawai'
4 hours ago
NYPD have barricades around Zuccotti Park w/ 1 small guarded entrance. The park is WAY less accessible to the...
5 hours ago
Green Party Presidential Candidate Jill Stein Condemns Police Assaults on #Occupy Mvmt. Where's Obama on this?...
5 hours ago
Another Infographic from Peter Kim: Student Debt
5 hours ago
@paxromana5777 I saw that now! Ret Philly Police Captain! "Police are the 99%"
8 hours ago
@SagDec15 you should still look
8 hours ago
@V1ct0rCR0cc0 @current @TYTonCurrent whoa!
8 hours ago
America, WTF? #p2 #tcot #nowar #etsy #tshirt #ows #WTF
8 hours ago
Democracy Now! was at #OWS filming during eviction. Their report:
8 hours ago
65% of bikes have been returned! #OWS Sustainibility needs help carrying 13 stands, 10 bikes, at 56th Street between 11 and 12th
8 hours ago
Protesters return to Zuccotti. Photo Tumbler by Nytimes #ows #p2 #tcot
8 hours ago
As Zuccotti Park was cleared, Congress was gutting the Financial Reform Bill #p2 #ows #WTF
8 hours ago
#OWS seranades police: "WTF?!"
9 hours ago
So #OWS protesters will be able to get their stuff (that NYPD poured trash cans out onto) from NY Sanitation Wed...
10 hours ago
New York, New York
11 hours ago
ACRONYM TV: NYPD brutality only makes #OWS Stronger
11 hours ago
Footage of arrests at #OWS that the NYPD didn't want you to see
11 hours ago
nykcsa chuck robinson
everyone go read @ @PunkPatriot's tweets from the last 48 hrs. #OWS evicted by #NYPD...
15 Nov
Retweeted by @PunkPatriot
dunielleV dunielle v
The 1% Don't Understand How The World Works… via @ @PunkPatriot
23 hours ago
Retweeted by @PunkPatriot
Unions say crackdown on #OWS will make Thursday's day of action even bigger. #ThanksNYPD! #ThanksBloomberg!
17 hours ago
It goes like this: nonviolent resistance > violent repression > growing nonviolent resistance (repeat until...
17 hours ago
#OWS vows to shut down subways, wall st, NYSE etc. #N17 BE THERE
19 hours ago
#N17 MASS DAY OF ACTION - SHUT DOWN WALL ST! Occupy The Subways! Shut Down Wall St! #ows #p2 #BeThere!
19 hours ago
Keith Olbermann: Jean Quan must repent, or resign. #ows #oo #p2
19 hours ago
Keith Olbermann: Why #OWS needs Bloomberg
20 hours ago
@GetRidOfH8ters we'd created an incubator for a new way to structure society & inspired a global movement against the financial system...
20 hours ago
@taboo1099 true
20 hours ago
@nykcsa thank you!
20 hours ago
NYPD Occupying Zuccotti Park: Demands Remain Unclear #ows
21 hours ago
NYPD assaults man, punches woman in face, laughs while doing it
15 Nov
NYPD illegally occupies Zuccotti, assaults man, punches woman in the face #OWS
15 Nov
come support #OWS, come down to Zuccotti and support the jailed protestors at 1 police place by Foley Square
15 Nov
Photo of the Police Destroying #OWS Sustainability's bike generators #NYPD #POLICESTATE #ASSHOLES
15 Nov
@Buddhagem I remind everybody.
15 Nov
@GetRidOfH8ters oh really? We probably shouldn't have been protesting either, right? We should just let everything keep going as usual?
15 Nov
MenopslStoners p.e.nolan
The 1% Don't Understand How The World Works… via @ @PunkPatriot
15 Nov
Retweeted by @PunkPatriot
@billf227 why are you a dick?
15 Nov
@lizavp I plan on being back at #OWS for thursday... #N17
15 Nov
@lizavp I'm not, I had left #OWS for my homestate that morning. I was watching two livestreams, and listening to WBAI.
15 Nov
@trg83 what?
15 Nov
Just woke up. It's 6pm. 72 hours awake was a baaaad idea.
15 Nov
ferox35 Earthling....
@ @PunkPatriot dumptrucks are the new 'fires'
15 Nov
Retweeted by @PunkPatriot
Well, now that #OWS has been evicted, Zuccotti can go back to being an unused public park in a souless part of NYC.
15 Nov
NO FUCKING WAY. In an effort to "clean and restore" the park, the NYPD cut down the trees to remove the hard...
15 Nov
Occupy Wall Street was evicted. My reaction. Yours?
15 Nov
15 Nov
Just a reminder about Nonviolence. #ows
15 Nov
@ @PunkPatriot Bullies and jack-booted lapdogs have no use for knowledge.
15 Nov
Retweeted by @PunkPatriot
CBDSDFX Claire Brooksbank
@ @PunkPatriot Amen. Why save books? LIteracy breeds critical thinking.
15 Nov
Retweeted by @PunkPatriot
Yeah, Nazis burned books. But were ideologically driven by the CONTENT of the books. NYPD threw away the entire...
15 Nov
9am there's a GA at Canal Street. Arrests at Pine and Broadway. I'm toast. I'm going to sleep. #ows
15 Nov
Watching the livestream and seeing friends of mine, and wishing I was back at #OWS right now.
15 Nov
NYPD threw our entire library into a garbage truck. That seems fitting, that they would toss a library full of books into the trash. #ows
15 Nov
I can't fucking wait to hear Mayor corporate overlord @MikeBloomberg try to justify the beating of #NYC protestors by the #NYPD.#OWS
15 Nov
15 Nov
ProjectPiff ProjectPiff
15 Nov
Retweeted by @PunkPatriot
Frankie7500 Frankie ™
I can't fucking wait to hear Mayor corporate overlord @MikeBloomberg try to justify the beating of #NYC protestors by the #NYPD.#OWS
15 Nov
Retweeted by @PunkPatriot
RT @iiamelii Al Jazeera English is livestreaming #OWS. None of the 24 hr American news stations are. Shameful.
15 Nov
Unionized NY Dept of Sanitation workers are currently loading all our stuff into garbage trucks. #scabs #shame
15 Nov
Apparently a bunch of people were advocating violence against the cops earlier, but they all ran away once the cops came. #ows #provocateurs
15 Nov
Transparency is a principal of solidarity. Anybody who says otherwise isn't actually part of #OWS
15 Nov
"Anarchists" are trying to shut down the livestream, they are committing property destruction. They are also...
15 Nov
The people who refuse to be filmed, and who are committing property destruction, are cops or hired by cops (live at
15 Nov
These ppl who don't want to be filmed are probably cops (live at
15 Nov
I haven't slept since I woke up yesterday and spent the day at the Sustainability table at #OWS. 48 hrs w/o sleep slowly becomes 72
15 Nov
@jamiekilstein listening to NYPD scanner online, they can't get the garbage trucks to #OWS. HOLD THE STREET!
15 Nov
@jamiekilstein @OccupyWallStNYC there are 100 people holding a GA there right now
15 Nov
.@OccupyWallStNYC Been listening to Police scanner online: #NYPD can't find a way for sanitation to get their trucks to #OWS. HOLD POSITION
15 Nov
HOLD BROADWAY AND PINE! The Police cannot find any way for garbage trucks to get to #ows right now!
15 Nov
15 Nov
HOLD PINE AND BROADWAY! Police scanner: looking for a way to get garbage trucks to #ows, but can't (live at
15 Nov
From Police Scanner: Looking for way to get garbage trucks to #OWS. HOLD PINE AND BROADWAY! (live at
15 Nov
From Police Scanner : "We need to find a way for sanitation to get to Zuccotti Park."
15 Nov
Broadway and Pine is trending on twitter right now #ows
15 Nov
Al Jazzera the first mainstream media to cover #OWS eviction today. #MediaBlackout
15 Nov
@spinflux @mmflint There's a standoff in the center of the intersection of Pine and Broadway
15 Nov
RT @spinflux @mmflint Ustream wants to know if they should go to Foley or stay, please tweet
15 Nov
"Fuck the Police State! Pardon my language, but #ows is being evicted, they have shut down trains in the...
15 Nov
"You're sexy, you're cute, take off your riot suit." #OWS to #NYPD
15 Nov
15 Nov
Listen to NYPD dist 1-3 scanners online #ows
15 Nov
audio down? (live at
15 Nov
Police are overwhelmed on broadway. there's a SEA of people. #ows
15 Nov
cdinicolo Chris DiNicolo
@ @PunkPatriot Thank science for twitter and facebook, otherwise there would be no information about the #OWS raid. #CorporateMedia
15 Nov
Retweeted by @PunkPatriot
@champain2 @MMFlint the march is headed from Foley back to Zuccotti right now
15 Nov
Hey there. That's correct. ULocks around the neck, together, was last line of defence (live at
15 Nov
is that abe? (live at
15 Nov
Pine street totally blocked with protesters. #ows
15 Nov
RT @MMFlint #OWS: Go to Foley Square right now to regroup. Centre and Worth Sts.
15 Nov
Garbage truck backing down pine street, finding another route. #ows
15 Nov
#OWS blocking garbage truck with their stuff in it. Police guarding the garbage truck. Shit could go down soon.
15 Nov
Garbage trucks coming through Pine Street right now filled with tents, sleeping bags, bikes, tables, chairs #ows
15 Nov
MT @MMFlint Occupy's across US raided this weekend- now NYC- Planned & coordinated by the Dept. of Homeland...
15 Nov
There are multiple LRADs deployed at #OWS right now
15 Nov
Evicted #OWS protesters about to form a GA in the center of the intersection of Broadway and Pine. #Beautiful
15 Nov
Last line of defense is still in the park, total media blackout. The NYPD could kill them and nobody would know. #OWS
15 Nov
There is a group of people who have hard locked themselves as park defense using U-Locks around their necks in the center of the park. #ows
15 Nov
@changetheworldt @JoshHarkinson that is FUCKED
15 Nov
changetheworldt ChangeTheWorldTees
@JoshHarkinson @ @PunkPatriot Video of people in kitchen tent being tear gassed
15 Nov
Retweeted by @PunkPatriot
Original report seems to have been correct. Police have been blocking subways stops around the #OWS two block blockade
15 Nov
#OWS protesters in Kitchen HAVE BEEN TEARGASSED
15 Nov
Why the fuck are police dumping trash out of trash cans onto people's sleeping bags? That's fucking childish and stupid. #ows
15 Nov
#NYPD is controlling airspace. No news helicopters are allowed above #ows. Total media blackout. #POLICESTATE #FASCISM #TahrirUSA
15 Nov
#N17 November 17, we're going to SHUT DOWN WALL STREET #OWS
15 Nov
CONFIRMED: LRAD is deployed at #OWS
15 Nov
I'm hearing an unconfirmed reports that ALL subways in NYC are shut down #ows
15 Nov
Bridges shut down, subways shut down, the press is shut down, freedom is shut down, first amendment rights are...
15 Nov
@thesciencebabe I'm not actually the one who designed them. It's pretty simple tho. I can get you in contact with them.
15 Nov
If you're going down to #ows right now, I guess you have to go by cab or foot
15 Nov
Brooklyn bridge apparently also shut down #OWS
15 Nov
Just in: NYC shut down all the train stops around zucotti #OWS
15 Nov
@freddoso don't be an asshole
15 Nov
.@derekahunter It's public property. And yes, it IS their home. You clearly haven't been there.
15 Nov
.@AnitaStewart I haven't slept in 48 hours #ows
15 Nov
And so Wall Street manages to kick people out of their homes ONCE AGAIN. #p2 #OWS #TCOT
15 Nov
Just got word my friend Keegan was arrested. #ows
15 Nov
15 Nov
The press is completely blockaded outside of #ows
15 Nov
.@MikeBoring @freddoso If police smashed the coal plants in, you'd have similar results in your house.
15 Nov
@thesciencebabe @michellemalkin @freddoso We will begin rebuilding tomorrow. That's what we do. We get stuff done. #ows
15 Nov
@jsanzone it IS public space
15 Nov
.@kyleraccio What's to laugh at exactly?
15 Nov
.@freddoso Clearly the bikes were a threat, providing light and cell phone charging stations.
15 Nov
@bri930 @michellemalkin @freddoso The police removed the biodiesel power generator, so we build generators from bikes
15 Nov
Retraction, just Todd Starnes was being a dick. Michelle Malkin wasn't.
15 Nov
Sweet. Michelle Malkin and Todd Starnes Are making fun of #OWS raid. #Assholes
15 Nov
@thesciencebabe @michellemalkin @freddoso I feel so bad for the electricians and machinists who donated their time #OWS
15 Nov
.@jsanzone More specifically George and Keegan worked their asses off on those bikes.
15 Nov
.@jsanzone We worked our asses off on those bike generators. #ows
15 Nov
UNCONFIRMED: Possible LRAD on site
15 Nov
Police are now giving orders to remaining protesters to leave immediately. They are locking arms. #ows
15 Nov
NYPD pushing press away from the scene, trying to keep it from being covered, I'm sure they had a version of...
15 Nov
The police destroyed our fucking bike generators. #ASSHOLES #OWS #Sustainability
15 Nov
The POLICE are the ones acting like Black Bloc anarchist punks that they say we are, THEY are the ones trashing stuff, beating people #ows
15 Nov
Its clear why the NYPD have been trying to "Boy Who Cried" wolf us at #OWS, showing up with a gazillion wagons...
15 Nov
WBAI covering #OWS eviction. Talking about fascism. Fuck yes these guys rule. #p2
15 Nov
Fucking A. These kids are dancing and singing while riot police are arresting them. #bravery #OWS
15 Nov
15 Nov
RT @RDevro: #NYPD Police just stole NBC press pass from anchor
15 Nov
"Half a million dollars, that you're throwing into a landfill. How does that feel in your conscience?" - Anon girl at #OWS to cops
15 Nov
BREAKING: Sounds of #NYPD flash grenades going off in park #ows
15 Nov
@NickGulotta: many arrests, many injured, 100s of riot cops
15 Nov
_rosiegray Rosie Gray
A cop just grabbed me by the arm and threw me across the sidewalk - I yelled "don't push me" but that pissed him off I think
15 Nov
Retweeted by @PunkPatriot
The #WallStreet thugs #NYPD made the mistake of doing this tonight. The Day of Mass Action on Nov17th at the NYSE is going to be #EPIC
15 Nov
You would think the #NYPD would at least let people take their stuff out of the park, but no, they're fucking...
15 Nov
They're fucking dumping garbage cans out on top of people's backpacks and tents. #ASSHOLES #NYPD #OWS
15 Nov
.@_rosiegray Push your way into the park!
15 Nov
RT @DemocracyNow: Police now tearing apart #OWS library
15 Nov
MT @_rosiegray (Village Voice) Me: "I'm Press!" - Cop: "Not Tonight."
15 Nov
blogdiva Liza Sabater
PRESS denied access to #OWS RT @Newyorkist: RT @quinnnorton: Yeah me too RT @_rosiegray: Me: "I'm press!" Lady cop: "not tonight" #ows
15 Nov
Retweeted by @PunkPatriot
The Unionized sanitation workers are assisting the NYPD to trash the park #SHAME #ows #union #scab
15 Nov
RT @Kristengwynne (AlterNet) Holyshit, this is crazy pepper spra, pushing us, beating and arresting peaceful protesters #OWS
15 Nov
As soon as you threaten power, the homicidal machine lashes out #ows #N17 #TwoMonthAnniversary #NYSE #NYPD
15 Nov
I think this is a strategic move to weaken #ows prior to the #N17 day of action at the NYSE
15 Nov
#OWS last time NYPD tried a big action against OWS, over 60,000 people took to the street. What will happen next...
15 Nov
Ghostpickles poems
#OWS last time NYPD tried a big action against OWS, over 60,000 people took to the street. What will happen next will dwarf that.
15 Nov
Retweeted by @PunkPatriot
#OWS occupiers are sitting down, nonviolently, as riot police loom over them, and arrest them one by one
15 Nov
#OWS Livestream here.
15 Nov
WBAI radio is broadcasting live from Zuccotti Park, NYC as police raid it now: #ows
15 Nov
People are camping out in tents for the next five days for tickets to the Twilight premiere. WHERE ARE THE RIOT...
15 Nov
davidcolburn David Colburn
People are camping out in tents for the next five days for tickets to the Twilight premiere. WHERE ARE THE RIOT POLICE? #occupyoakland #ows
14 Nov
Retweeted by @PunkPatriot
15 Nov
Tents, beds, personal belongings, tables, chairs, are being broken and thrown into piles
15 Nov
Sharing the link to the Global Revolution LiveStream is nice, but if you're in the NY area, GO TO Liberty and Broadway NOW
15 Nov
Firetrucks are being used to block footage of the raid from the LiveStream team in the Media Working Group #ows
15 Nov
Okay, I've just heard confirmation from @kristengwynne (AlterNet) that pepper spray has been used at #OWS
15 Nov
If you are in NYC, get to #OWS... NOW
15 Nov
#OWS singing "America the Beautiful" while riot cops push their way into the park
15 Nov
I'm hearing from a friend on the ground, a two block radius around #ows has been sealed off #raid #nypd
15 Nov
Police have been working to block park off for 1 block in every direction #ows #BeingRaided by #NYPD #p2
15 Nov
Somebody is getting needlessly violent. Can't tell if it's a plainclothes cop, a cop, or a protester #ows
15 Nov
Livestream team from #ows are being dragged across the street from Zuccottii
15 Nov
Police are walking into #OWS right now
15 Nov
Ironic-- the "Are you ready for a revolution? 11/11/11" Ads from the NY historical society are on the buses driving by #ows
15 Nov
#OWS protesters are only being allowed one armful of belongings
15 Nov
The Police are not allowing mainstream media to come in to the park or surrounding sidwalks to cover the upcoming raid #ows
15 Nov
I feel so useless right now. I was just at #OWS yesterday, I haven't slept since 10am yesterday. Looks like I'm...
15 Nov
From what I understand, the Police have stolen the bike generators from sustainability? #ows
15 Nov
#OWS completely surrounded. The only thing getting in or out is screaming.
15 Nov
GET DOWN TO THE PARK NOW. WE NEED 100,000 PEOPLE HERE #OWS - #globalrevolution live on…
15 Nov
15 Nov
New Rule: If your city tries to arrest Occupy Protesters, then it also has to arrest people camping in frount of...
15 Nov
So a friend of mine has suddenly started have the same problem with text messages being delayed for days at a time...
15 Nov
occupy wall street,
#Occupy Baltimore confronts Karl Rove
“Karl Rove is the architect of Occupy Iraq, the architect of Occupy Afghanistan!”
Karl Rove completely loses his shit.
"Who gave you the right to occupy America?
Uhm, Karl-- first, they're American Citizens. Second, check out the Bill of Rights.
Occupy Baltimore: "We are the 99%"
Karl Rove: "No you're not. No You're Not!"
Wow, Karl, what a brilliant response. You can really think on your feet, can't you?
Karl Rove: "You wanna keep jumping up and yelling that you’re the 99 percent? How presumptuous and arrogant can you think you are?”
Is that even a sentance? So let me get this straight, you are stating essentially that the 99 are presumptuous and arrogant, and that the protesters are thinking they, like the 99%, are ALSO presumptious and arrogant?
Nothing makes me happier than seeing a baggadouche like Karl Rove, who is normally a silver tongued demon of doublespeak, so completely flummoxed that he can't come up with a coherent sentence, let alone a cogent argument.
Wish you could do this in your town, but are afraid about getting arrested? Don't be.
About 15 protesters were asked to leave and some were forcibly removed. No one was arrested.
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