Originally Posted at PopularResistance.org
The oil rich country of Iraq is facing a possible collapse.
Sunni militants, largely shut out of the new government installed by the U.S. after our illegally invasion and occupation are overtaking large parts of Iraq in a quickly developing story. U.S. foreign policy seems to lack the imagination to do anything but intervene militarily. How that intervention takes shape, whether it be in aid, advising, air strikes, boots on the ground, or the kind of shock and awe only a Nobel peace prize winning Commander in chief can deliver remains to be seen.
Joining Dennis on Acronym TV this week to discuss the situation in Iraq are Lila Garrett and Dr. Dennis Loo.
Lila Garret is a two time Emmy winner for her work in TV comedy as a writer/producer. For her progressive political activism, in 1991 she was the recipient of Senator Barbara Boxer’s WOMEN MAKING HISTORY AWARD. . In 2004 she was So. Cal. Chair of the Kucinich for President campaign. For the last 9 years she has hosted the radio political talk show, “Connect the Dots” heard every Monday morning at 7 on Pacifica’s KPFK in Los Angeles and on line atKPFK.org.
Dr. Dennis Loo is a Professor of Sociology at Cal Poly Pomona. He has won national awards for his scholarship, his journalism, and his activism. Loo is the author of Globalization and the Demolition of Society and co-editor/author of Impeach the President: the Case Against Bush and Cheney. He writes regularly for his website DennisLoo.com and sits on the National Steering Committee of the World Can't Wait.
June 28, 2014
June 25, 2014
Does the U.S. have a moral obligation to Iraqis? With regard to ISIS, what to do?
Originally Posted at PopularResistance.org
Lila Garrett with Dennis Trainor, Jr in part one of Acronym TV this week.
~Topics Discussed ~
ISIS in Iraq, Barack Obama as a War President, The U.S. Embassy in Baghdad, Litigating the past and planning for the future, The sitcom All in the Family (and what would Meathead and Archie do now?), and Satire as a tool for the peace movement
Lila Garrett with Dennis Trainor, Jr in part one of Acronym TV this week.
~Topics Discussed ~
ISIS in Iraq, Barack Obama as a War President, The U.S. Embassy in Baghdad, Litigating the past and planning for the future, The sitcom All in the Family (and what would Meathead and Archie do now?), and Satire as a tool for the peace movement
June 22, 2014
Lies our fathers told us: The men's rights movement and campus-based misogyny
via Rabble.ca
I first encountered the Canadian men's rights movement directly when I was in Peterborough last November.
Some friends and associates of mine and I had driven from Toronto early one morning to attend the Policy Assembly of the Socialist Party of Ontario that was being held at Trent University. Upon arriving, we were greeted by the usual array of posters that litter the halls of any university. Among them were dozens of posters for what was a newly formed campus "Men's Issues Awareness Society."
The posters were juvenile in both presentation and content. They made a variety of claims, entirely out of context, that, simply put, attempted to make the case that not only are women no longer victims of systemic inequality, but also that the shoe is now on the other foot. It is men's issues that are being "ignored" and it is men that are now allegedly facing discrimination. This "discrimination," further, is being disregarded due to the influence of feminism in our society.
These claims, of course are absurd, a point to which I will return. However, their very idiocy had the effect of making me not take the groups around this postering campaign seriously. That is a mistake. The "Men's Rights Movement" needs to be taken very seriously, and many of its adherents and ideas are very dangerous.
The Canadian Association for Equality
The group behind the campus campaign is the Canadian Association for Equality (CAFE). CAFE is an interesting group that bears greater scrutiny. They have been aggressively recruiting on college campuses and have at least several campus branches.
CAFE's basic premise is simple. This is that men are now facing real and fundamental obstacles to "equality" and that men, as much as women, are unable to fully participate in society. In the case of CAFE they claim that this is due to "misandry," which is their alleged counterpoint to misogyny. Misandry, of course, is the supposed "hatred" towards men that is now becoming, apparently, common in our society.
CAFE presents itself in a non-extremist way. It claims to be LGBT positive. It states that its mandate is being "committed to achieving equality for all Canadian men, women, girls and boys." It asserts that it is not opposed to feminism, per se, but rather they "feel the public should be made aware of the existence and specifics of Men’s Issues and the fact that these issues are not isolated, but rather interconnected and part of a large societal pattern of discrimination, ignorance and harmful public policy that in many ways disadvantages boys and men."
In other words, men are being discriminated against too.
The group works hard to present a pretense that women are also involved. They have videos that feature women as speakers, they have had such "luminaries" as Barbara Kay of theNational Post speak at their events, and they have two women, including, apparently, a "Course Instructor and Research Co-ordinator" from Trent University's Sociology Department whose "work began with an exploration of the psychological ‘disorder’ muscle dysmorphia and has reframed this as a sociological exploration of the connection between masculinity and muscularity" on their list of "Advisory Fellows".
But even in this, the most "mainstream" attempt to recruit men and women from campuses, the lies and distortions immediately come out.
CAFE, whose primary outreach is on-campus activism, has a "newsletter" that one can download to distribute among one's fellow students.
This newsletter makes a variety of claims, some more absurd than others. In the ridiculous category one gets comments like "Other than a couple of magazines on men’s health and fitness subjects, there’s not a whole lot in terms of men’s health awareness. Everyone seems to have men in their lives with health problems. But it seems that few are equipped with the tools and knowledge when it comes to addressing the challenges of men’s health." This is apparently due to men working so hard in jobs women supposedly don't do, as the next paragraphs claim.
The problem is that these issues have been studied at great length (and yes, fellas, there are many magazines and publications devoted entirely to men's health) and entire movements, such as the union movement, were founded to address these issues and to fight for these "forgotten" men. They are, in other words, issues that have nothing at all to do with gender, but rather with class and working conditions. If CAFE actually cared about better working conditions for male workers, it would encourage them to join unions and the Canadian Labour Congress.
Some claims are even more specious. This newsletter, and it is a theme they come back to again and again in their propaganda, emphasizes the alleged "suicide gap" that supposedly shows that men are facing greater social pressures than women. Thus "Men kill themselves three times more often than women for all ages, but suicide is especially high for men in their teens and twenties."
True, but once you realize that, according to the Canadian Mental Health Association, "Women, however, make 3 to 4 times more suicide attempts than men do, and women are hospitalized in general hospitals for attempted suicide at 1.5 times the rate of men. Studies indicate that there is a significant correlation between a history of sexual abuse and the lifetime number of suicide attempts, and this correlation is twice as strong for women as for men", the original statistic seems a lot less systemic than it first did.
As with many other things they claim, it is a distortion.
They also state, disingenuously, that boys suffer more bullying than girls.They site the CPHC Safe School Study as proof.
Yet, when you read the study, the story is not what CAFE presents it as.
When it came to LGBT harassment "Proportionally, boys were significantly more likely than girls to suffer this form of harassment, and they identified groups of other boys as the aggressors on most occasions. Groups of boys were also most likely to victimize girls in this manner, although female victims said that other girls were the aggressors in one-quarter of the cases".
Additionally we find that "one in thirteen students reported that someone at school had made an unwelcome or crude comment about their body weekly. In a majority of these incidents, boys were identified as the aggressors of both male and female victims, and many more females reported harassment compared to males."
This, frankly, changes the entire complexion of their "expose". The reality is, as we all know, that men and boys are the aggressors in the vast majority of these incidents of bullying.
And, as such, it remains an issue that has to do with violence and aggression by men and boys under patriarchy and has little to do with women, other than that they are its primary victims!
In addition, the fact that boys and men are the victims of boys and men's violence does not mean that they are victims of anything other than male aggression and patriarchal notions regarding what constitutes male sexuality .
CAFE also minimizes women's inequality generally. They make claims about the rise of women in universities and professions, but ignore the reality that women still make, as full-time workers, almost 30 per cent less than men as a whole, and make less hourly for similar jobs in almost all studied professions in Canada.
The CAFE Clones
While CAFE acts as the "moderate" front for "men's rights" activism, their offshoots spare few punches. They are outright extremist and anti-woman, and they carry the posters and propaganda that we saw in Peterborough, and that CAFE carefully keeps off its site.
The Toronto Men's Meetup group starts to show you more of what they are about.
In their very masthead they outright lie with claims like " Men and women commit domestic abuse against each other at roughly equal rates (for every level of severity), yet there is 1 men's shelter in all of Canada."
Sounds good propaganda wise, but not true. In fact, of course, male violence against women is dramatically greater, and, as Statistics Canada proves, at the ultimate level of "severity," namely death, men kill female partners at a rate well over two times the inverse.
But even at lower "levels of severity," what they say is simply false. As Statistics Canadanoted in a study released just this past May : "Looking at rates, the risk of becoming a victim of police-reported family violence was more than twice as high for girls and women as it was for boys and men (407 per 100,000 versus 180 per 100,000). This heightened risk of family violence among girls and women was true regardless of age, but was most pronounced among those aged 25 to 34 years (Chart 1.3). Females in this age group were over three times more likely than their male counterparts to become a victim of family violence (rate of 709 per 100,000 versus 216 per 100,000 population). The main factor behind females’ increased risk of family violence is related to their higher representation as victims of spousal violence. Women aged 15 years and older accounted for 81% of all spousal violence victims."
In addition, when it comes to sexual violence there is simply no comparison. According toStatistics Canada, "Looking at the particular types of sexual offences, police-reported data show that the differences in victimization rates between females and males were consistently notable across all categories of sexual assault." Also, "While females are disproportionately the victims of sexual offences, males are disproportionately the accused. According to 2007 police-reported data, 97% of persons accused of sexual offences were male, higher than the representation of males among persons accused of all other types of violent crime (78%)." In other words, women and girls are far more likely to be victims of sexual assault, and even when men and boys are victims, they are overwhelmingly being victimized by other men.
They add misnomers such as "female genital mutilation is considered a UN human rights violation yet male genital mutilation is supported by doctors, ethicists and is frequently the basis of mockery on TV." Yet this is also false. Whatever one may think of male genital mutilation it is, again, a result of patriarchy and male social and religious rituals and traditions. To make it analogous to female genital mutilation is simply absurd.
A spinoff Vancouver group, as another example, posts posters online for download, all of which are also promoted on other men's rights sites, that suggest that "rape culture" is a myth (despite the obvious fact, given the statistics above, that it is not), under the slogan "Had Enough of this Shit Yet?". They also state that men are more likely to be victims of violence, in general, without, of course, noting that they are likely to be so due to the actions of other men. In fact, as we have seen, 78 per cent of all violent crime is committed by men.
These are examples of the CAFE ideology in action.
Systemic injustice and false oppression
The men's rights movement is clever in its propaganda approach in that tapping into perceived injustice is always a great starting point. So it is smart to state that men face the same adversity as do women and that this adversity is being ignored, even if this is a lie. It is an easy recruitment point for men, and some women, who lack a greater overall historical and social perspective of the nature of patriarchy. It reminds me very much of whites who cry "reverse racism" at attempts to redress centuries of systemic discrimination against Canada's people of colour and Canada's Aboriginal and First Nations peoples.
In reality there is no comparison, at all, between what women and men face in terms of systemic social injustice. In the case of men, the systemic injustice simply does not exist. Anywhere. It is a total falsehood. But notions of false oppression and false victimhood certainly exist, and they allow men to feel justified when they attempt to stop or fight the basic ideas of feminism.
It amounts to a terror at the loss of a sense of perpetual entitlement born, as Stephanie Coontz recently put it in the New York Times, of the fact that "Fifty years ago, every male American was entitled to what the sociologist R. W. Connell called a “patriarchal dividend” -- a lifelong affirmative-action program for men."
She goes on to note that: "The size of that dividend varied according to race and class, but all men could count on women’s being excluded from the most desirable jobs and promotions in their line of work, so the average male high school graduate earned more than the average female college graduate working the same hours. At home, the patriarchal dividend gave husbands the right to decide where the family would live and to make unilateral financial decisions. Male privilege even trumped female consent to sex, so marital rape was not a crime."
The fact is that men and boys still grow up in a culture very much permeated by the idea that they remain entitled to this "patriarchal dividend." While some may see groups like CAFE and other MRA groups as on the fringe, in terms of the appeal of their retrograde and reactionary ideas the fringe is rather larger than one might want to believe.
Anger and exceptional hostility towards women and feminism is alarmingly widespread online. In fact, I would suggest it is a growing phenomenon. Most of us have heard of the appalling case of Anita Sarkeesian. But this is just the tip of the iceberg.
Men, often emboldened by ideas they are somehow being "radical," are "telling it like it is" or are fighting that old stand-by of "political correctness," are aggressively pushing back against women when they speak up in online forums and are willing to use misogynist language, terms of humiliation and threats of violence in ways that are very disturbing and, as any honest user of the internet knows, are also surprisingly wipespread.
These comments are, further, more defensive than I can recall at anytime in my adult life, when women (or, more rarely, other men) question what seem to be male "institutions" like porn, prostitution, objectification of socially "attractive" women, etc. This is not only true on the right, but is also true in the comments and ideas of many supposedly "progressive" men. They become indignant at the idea that, for example, the sexuality that they have been taught to embrace may possibly be an instrument of social oppression for women as opposed to just the "reality" of things and the "way it is," as they have always believed.
But far from being radical, they are a total throwback to and repetition of the misogyny and defensiveness of men that women and the feminist movement have faced from the beginning. Only now that the movement has made some inroads, the intensity of the reaction is greater, and now that the Internet is there, the size of the bully pulpit is unprecedented.
The backlash to feminism, its ideas, its advocates and its advances have existed since feminism began. The media and popular culture have been very keen to de-radicalize feminism at every stage.
This is why we need to take heed of the reemerging, online, campus oriented men's rights movement and its propaganda. They are dangerous and the false ideas they propound will appeal to many young men on campuses and may lay the foundation for the next in a seemingly ceaseless wave of attacks on the feminist fight for women's equality.
June 21, 2014
Richard Wolff at USM: Capitalism Hits The Fan
Green Party Shadow Cabinet member, and Economics Professor, Richard Wolff came to my Alma Matter, University of Southern Maine, to talk about Capitalism and how terrible it is. It was sweet. I was there.
Here's a photo of the room. It was standing room only.
June 18, 2014
Being Sustainable Can RAISE Your Standard Of Living
Bjarke Ingels with his take on how changing things to be more sustainable can actually increase your standard of living. Applying permaculture design to urban design and architecture to improve the quality of life of city dwellers, he calls it "Hedonistic Sustainability."
urban design
June 17, 2014
The ISIS War in Iraq Has Roots Much Deeper Than Sectarian Violence | Mnar Muhawesh Interview
Originally posted at PopularResistance.org
Joining Dennis on the show today to make sense of all this is Mnar Muhawesh. She is the founder, CEO and editor in chief of Mint Press News, and also a regular speaker on responsible journalism, sexism, neoconservativism within the media and journalism start-ups.
Episode breakdown|
As the world watches Iraq quickly descending into a failed state status under the brutal onslaught from fighters in the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, pundits, representatives form congress and no doubt members of Barack Obama’s inner circle are wondering if it is not time to put together another coalition of the willing and re-engage the US Military in Iraq.
Before you dust off your yellow ribbons to tie round your oak tree’s though, remember: in 2003 The United States invaded Iraq after lying to the world and the American people saying that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction and was connected to Al Qaeda- and therefore connected to the 9/11 attacks.
All lies.
Now, as Gary Grappo writes:
Joining Dennis on the show today to make sense of all this is Mnar Muhawesh. She is the founder, CEO and editor in chief of Mint Press News, and also a regular speaker on responsible journalism, sexism, neoconservativism within the media and journalism start-ups.
Episode breakdown|
As the world watches Iraq quickly descending into a failed state status under the brutal onslaught from fighters in the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, pundits, representatives form congress and no doubt members of Barack Obama’s inner circle are wondering if it is not time to put together another coalition of the willing and re-engage the US Military in Iraq.
Before you dust off your yellow ribbons to tie round your oak tree’s though, remember: in 2003 The United States invaded Iraq after lying to the world and the American people saying that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction and was connected to Al Qaeda- and therefore connected to the 9/11 attacks.
All lies.
Now, as Gary Grappo writes:
“Iraq is collapsing. The Middle Eastern nation, where nearly 4,500 American lives were lost and nearly one billion dollars were spent from 2003-2011 to oust a dictator and rebuild a nation, is approaching chaos, perhaps even “failed state” status.”
The deterioration in Syria and the invasion and spread of extremism in northern and western Iraq is putting the “cradle of civilization” under the control of theMiddle East’s most militant, ruthless and vile Islamic extremists.
They proffer no future for the region’s inhabitants other than oppression under the guise of rigid adherence to Sharia law.
Extremist fighters from the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) — expelled from Al Qaida because of its extreme militancy — have seized Iraq’s second largest city of Mosul and took possession of Ninewah Province, after taking Fallujah and Ramadi just west of Baghdad late last year. They quickly moved south to Samarra and Tikrit, capturing both cities with little government resistance. They also seized Iraq’s largest oil refinery in Baiji. The militants have made no secret of their objective: Baghdad.”
June 11, 2014
United We Stand Tour Wants Youth To Run For Political Office
Originally Posted at PopularResistance.org
(Note: this is an episode clip. Watch the full show here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VKMjT0zB5aM)
Christina Tobin, the founder and chair of Free and Equal, sits down with Dennis to discuss our Democracy in crisis and the United We Stand Festival Tour.
The motto of Free and Equal is More Voices, More Choices.
“We believe that freedom is enhanced when voters are presented with all the sides to an issue and have a chance to fairly evaluate all the candidates running in an election. However, the incumbent political parties like to define the parameters of the debate by presenting only two choices, or two versions of the same idea.
With the privately run Commission on Presidential Debates, Republicans and Democrats go to great lengths to exclude candidates not belonging to their own parties by setting restrictive qualifications to participate in the debates sponsored by their interest groups and then refusing to show up at debates where all candidates are invited.
We believe that all ballot-qualified candidates should have the opportunity to participate in debates. The Free & Equal hosted 2008 and 2012 Presidential Debates were the only debates featuring independent and third party candidates and to be broadcast live to a nationwide audience.” -www.freeandequal.org
Christina Tobin is the founder and chair of Free & Equal. She has a long history of supporting ballot access, having gathered and defended over 1 million signatures for the Green Party, Constitution Party, Republican Party, Democratic Party, Libertarian Party, Socialist Equality Party and independents. Free & Equal Elections Foundation is a non-partisan grassroots organization, whose mission is to shift the power back to the individual voter through education. Their motto, “More Voices, More Choices.”
June 9, 2014
Why Millennials Don't Vote and What To Do About It {aTV 007}
Originally Posted at PopularResistance.org
More than half of respondents in the survey, released by Harvard University’s Institute of Politics, said they think elected officials don’t share their priorities, and almost two-thirds said elected officials seem motivated by selfish reasons. Less than a quarter of the millennials polled said they will definitely be voting in November.
Read more: http://bit.ly/TAWHR7
On Acronym TV this week, two individuals working to fix our Democracy in crisis.
Christina Tobin is the founder and chair of Free & Equal. She has a long history of supporting ballot access, having gathered and defended over 1 million signatures for the Green Party, Constitution Party, Republican Party, Democratic Party, Libertarian Party, Socialist Equality Party and independents. Free & Equal Elections Foundation is a non-partisan grassroots organization, whose mission is to shift the power back to the individual voter through education. Their motto, “More Voices, More Choices.”
Daniel Lee is a lifelong activist. He serves on the national leadership team for the group Move to Amend, which is a coalition of hundreds of organizations and hundreds of thousands of individuals committed to social and economic justice, ending corporate rule, and building a vibrant democracy; Move To Amend is calling for an amendment to the US Constitution to unequivocally state that inalienable rights belong to human beings only, and that money is not a form of protected free speech under the First Amendment and can be regulated in political campaigns.
More than half of respondents in the survey, released by Harvard University’s Institute of Politics, said they think elected officials don’t share their priorities, and almost two-thirds said elected officials seem motivated by selfish reasons. Less than a quarter of the millennials polled said they will definitely be voting in November.
Read more: http://bit.ly/TAWHR7
On Acronym TV this week, two individuals working to fix our Democracy in crisis.
Christina Tobin is the founder and chair of Free & Equal. She has a long history of supporting ballot access, having gathered and defended over 1 million signatures for the Green Party, Constitution Party, Republican Party, Democratic Party, Libertarian Party, Socialist Equality Party and independents. Free & Equal Elections Foundation is a non-partisan grassroots organization, whose mission is to shift the power back to the individual voter through education. Their motto, “More Voices, More Choices.”
Daniel Lee is a lifelong activist. He serves on the national leadership team for the group Move to Amend, which is a coalition of hundreds of organizations and hundreds of thousands of individuals committed to social and economic justice, ending corporate rule, and building a vibrant democracy; Move To Amend is calling for an amendment to the US Constitution to unequivocally state that inalienable rights belong to human beings only, and that money is not a form of protected free speech under the First Amendment and can be regulated in political campaigns.
Free and Equal,
mid-term election,
Move To Amend,
June 7, 2014
How The Supreme Court Made the U.S. Government Illegitimate
Originally Posted at PopularResistance.org
(Note: this is an episode clip. The full show will air on Monday, June 9)
Earlier this year, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled, in McCutcheon V. FEC, the court struck down a limit on how much cash an individual could give to all federal candidates during an election cycle.
In the 5-4 decision, the majority of justices on the Roberts court ruled that individuals could buy elections. Or, in the words of Chief Justice Roberts, “government regulation may not target the general gratitude a candidate may feel toward those who support him or his allies, or the political access such support may afford.”
In the dissenting opinion, Justice Stephen Bryer, did not hold back in voicing the disgust felt by an overwhelming majority of Americans (if not by a majority of Supreme Court Justices) in writing that the majority’s “legal analysis is faulty: It misconstrues the nature of the competing constitutional interests at stake. It understates the importance of protecting the political integrity of our governmental institutions. It creates a loophole that will allow a single individual to contribute millions of dollars to a political party or to a candidate’s campaign.”
Furthermore, the dissenting opinion offered up this gem:
“Taken together with Citizens United v. Federal Elections Commission today’s decision eviscerates our Nation’s campaign finance laws leaving a remnantincapable of dealing with the problems of Democratic legitimacy that those laws were intended to resolve.” (Emphasis mine)
If we don’t have laws that empower us to deal with the problems of Democratic legitimacy, is our government legitimate?
That question, among others, in one I put to my guests on this week’s Acronym TV.
Christina Tobin is the founder and chair of Free & Equal. She has a long history of supporting ballot access, having gathered and defended over 1 million signatures for the Green Party, Constitution Party, Republican Party, Democratic Party, Libertarian Party, Socialist Equality Party and independents. Free & Equal Elections Foundation is a non-partisan grassroots organization, whose mission is to shift the power back to the individual voter through education. Their motto, “More Voices, More Choices.”
Daniel Lee is a lifelong activist. He serves on the national leadership team for the group Move to Amend, which is a coalition of hundreds of organizations and hundreds of thousands of individuals committed to social and economic justice, ending corporate rule, and building a vibrant democracy; Move To Amend is calling for an amendment to the US Constitution to unequivocally state that inalienable rights belong to human beings only, and that money is not a form of protected free speech under the First Amendment and can be regulated in political campaigns.
(Note: this is an episode clip. The full show will air on Monday, June 9)
Earlier this year, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled, in McCutcheon V. FEC, the court struck down a limit on how much cash an individual could give to all federal candidates during an election cycle.
In the 5-4 decision, the majority of justices on the Roberts court ruled that individuals could buy elections. Or, in the words of Chief Justice Roberts, “government regulation may not target the general gratitude a candidate may feel toward those who support him or his allies, or the political access such support may afford.”
In the dissenting opinion, Justice Stephen Bryer, did not hold back in voicing the disgust felt by an overwhelming majority of Americans (if not by a majority of Supreme Court Justices) in writing that the majority’s “legal analysis is faulty: It misconstrues the nature of the competing constitutional interests at stake. It understates the importance of protecting the political integrity of our governmental institutions. It creates a loophole that will allow a single individual to contribute millions of dollars to a political party or to a candidate’s campaign.”
Furthermore, the dissenting opinion offered up this gem:
“Taken together with Citizens United v. Federal Elections Commission today’s decision eviscerates our Nation’s campaign finance laws leaving a remnantincapable of dealing with the problems of Democratic legitimacy that those laws were intended to resolve.” (Emphasis mine)
If we don’t have laws that empower us to deal with the problems of Democratic legitimacy, is our government legitimate?
That question, among others, in one I put to my guests on this week’s Acronym TV.
Christina Tobin is the founder and chair of Free & Equal. She has a long history of supporting ballot access, having gathered and defended over 1 million signatures for the Green Party, Constitution Party, Republican Party, Democratic Party, Libertarian Party, Socialist Equality Party and independents. Free & Equal Elections Foundation is a non-partisan grassroots organization, whose mission is to shift the power back to the individual voter through education. Their motto, “More Voices, More Choices.”
Daniel Lee is a lifelong activist. He serves on the national leadership team for the group Move to Amend, which is a coalition of hundreds of organizations and hundreds of thousands of individuals committed to social and economic justice, ending corporate rule, and building a vibrant democracy; Move To Amend is calling for an amendment to the US Constitution to unequivocally state that inalienable rights belong to human beings only, and that money is not a form of protected free speech under the First Amendment and can be regulated in political campaigns.
2014 Elections,
2016 Elections,
Acronym TV,
Christina Tobin,
Daniel Lee,
dennis trainor jr,
Free and Equal,
Mid-term elections,
Move To Amend,
Supreme Court
June 4, 2014
Lee Camp’s New TV Show + a New Populist Political Party Emerges from Occupy {aTV 003}
Originally posted at PoprularResistance.org
Several activists who were early initiators behind the Occupy movement have formed a new political party, The After Party. Carl Gibson and Radio Raheem are among them and they join Dennis to discuss the launch and future plans.
In the second half of the show, comedian Lee Camp, who performed at several Occupy encampments, talks about his new weekly comedy show, Redacted Tonight, now airing on RT every Friday night at 8:30 and 11PM EST.
About Reacted Tonight with Lee Camp |
With reality now seeming like a Shakespearean comedy, perhaps only comedy can truly bring truth to the people. DC-born comedian Lee Camp and a talented cast do just that with RT America's first comedy show - Redacted Tonight with Lee Camp. This is not your grandparents' satire program. Every week Redacted Tonight will provide comedy news with a punch. This weekly satire show tackles all the real news stories the mainstream media failed to mention and provides new angles on the ones they do.
The After Party’s platform is as follows:
We believe that government exists by the consent of the governed and is instituted locally by people to serve their collective needs. We will work to create a responsive government that recognizes the still-unpaid debts owed to the victims of slavery and poverty and we will implement a guaranteed basic income for all citizens.
We believe that we were all immigrants to this land at some point in history, or we were brought here in chains against our will. We all seek a place to prosper, and it is our duty to uphold the sanctity of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness for all who inhabit the land peaceably, no matter their country of origin or the length of their stay here. We will work to protect and expand immigrants rights.
We believe in a future where humanity can co-exist peaceably with each other as well as with the natural world. We will work for a future with renewable energy and an end to the destructive exploitation of the Earth, while also promoting equitable and sustainable development of our local communities.
We believe in the fundamental right to a quality public education for all our children. In an increasingly-globalized world where advanced education is both essential and ever-more unaffordable, we will work to provide free and accessible higher education for every single student.
We believe that public health is not a commodity nor a product to be sold, but rather a fundamental human right. We will work to provide free and quality healthcare to all.
We believe that our democracy requires responsive politicians who regularly account to their constituents. We will work to eliminate the corrupting influence of money in our elections and level the playing field for all political candidates. We will only run candidates who pledge not to accept corporate campaign contributions.
Several activists who were early initiators behind the Occupy movement have formed a new political party, The After Party. Carl Gibson and Radio Raheem are among them and they join Dennis to discuss the launch and future plans.
In the second half of the show, comedian Lee Camp, who performed at several Occupy encampments, talks about his new weekly comedy show, Redacted Tonight, now airing on RT every Friday night at 8:30 and 11PM EST.
About Reacted Tonight with Lee Camp |
With reality now seeming like a Shakespearean comedy, perhaps only comedy can truly bring truth to the people. DC-born comedian Lee Camp and a talented cast do just that with RT America's first comedy show - Redacted Tonight with Lee Camp. This is not your grandparents' satire program. Every week Redacted Tonight will provide comedy news with a punch. This weekly satire show tackles all the real news stories the mainstream media failed to mention and provides new angles on the ones they do.
The After Party’s platform is as follows:
We believe that government exists by the consent of the governed and is instituted locally by people to serve their collective needs. We will work to create a responsive government that recognizes the still-unpaid debts owed to the victims of slavery and poverty and we will implement a guaranteed basic income for all citizens.
We believe that we were all immigrants to this land at some point in history, or we were brought here in chains against our will. We all seek a place to prosper, and it is our duty to uphold the sanctity of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness for all who inhabit the land peaceably, no matter their country of origin or the length of their stay here. We will work to protect and expand immigrants rights.
We believe in a future where humanity can co-exist peaceably with each other as well as with the natural world. We will work for a future with renewable energy and an end to the destructive exploitation of the Earth, while also promoting equitable and sustainable development of our local communities.
We believe in the fundamental right to a quality public education for all our children. In an increasingly-globalized world where advanced education is both essential and ever-more unaffordable, we will work to provide free and accessible higher education for every single student.
We believe that public health is not a commodity nor a product to be sold, but rather a fundamental human right. We will work to provide free and quality healthcare to all.
We believe that our democracy requires responsive politicians who regularly account to their constituents. We will work to eliminate the corrupting influence of money in our elections and level the playing field for all political candidates. We will only run candidates who pledge not to accept corporate campaign contributions.
After Party,
Comedian Lee Camp,
Lee Camp,
Lee Camp interview,
Redacted Tonight
June 3, 2014
Lee Camp Interview: “Redacted Tonight Is The Daily Show With Sharper Teeth”
Originally posted at PopularResistance.org
Lee Camp sits down for an interview with Dennis Trainor, Jr. to discuss his new 30-munite weekly comedy show on RT, Redacted Tonight.
“In my opinion, (Redacted Tonight) is The Daily Show with sharper teeth,” says Camp. “The Daily Show is incredibly funny, and I don’t deny that, and I’m a huge fan of The Daily Show, but,” Camp notes, “as Chris Hedges has said, ‘Colbert and Stewart are allowed to go after the foibles of out leaders but they can’t go after the deeper concerns. (Such as) the deeper idea that the two main political parties are completely bought by these corporations and aren’t speaking for the people.”
Lee also talks about his new stand up video special, We Are Nothing, the Liz Wahl, Abby Martin kerfuffle, and what it is like to have Vladimir Putin have editorial control over a comedy show. Ok, the thing about Putin is a joke, but Trainor forces the issue not once, but twice.
Redacted Tonight with Lee Camp airs on the RT network every Friday night at 8PM & 11:30PM EST and is published inline at RT.com.
About Reacted Tonight with Lee Camp |
With reality now seeming like a Shakespearean comedy, perhaps only comedy can truly bring truth to the people. DC-born comedian Lee Camp and a talented cast do just that with RT America’s first comedy show - Redacted Tonight with Lee Camp. This is not your grandparents’ satire program. Every week Redacted Tonight will provide comedy news with a punch. This weekly satire show tackles all the real news stories the mainstream media failed to mention and provides new angles on the ones they do.
In the premiere episode of the show (watch here) “Lee Camp takes a swipe at Monsanto, a company that makes him sick, and John F. O'Donnell gets molested by the tentacles of the billionaire Kochtopus. Obama ends the War in Afghanistan with something other than peace, while Chilean magician, Papas Fritas, makes $500 million in student debt disappear. Sam Sacks examines NSA reform - and by "reform," we mean ''business as usual." A second Deutsche Bank video against boasting bankers is mysteriously leaked, and speaking of leaks - radiation is leaking in New Mexico. Tennessee brings back a shocking punishment, and more!”
You can like Redacted Tonight on facebook and follow on twitter.
About Acronym TV with Dennis Trainor, Jr. |
Dennis Trainor, Jr. hosts Acronym TV, a weekly series of dialogue, conversation and debate with the goal of helping viewers sort through these transformative times through the insight of leading activists, artists, journalists, philosophers, scholars, and thinkers. Acronym TV is part of The Young Turks Network, the largest online news source in the world.
Acronym TV, what do you stand for?
Acronym TV also airs on Free Speech TV. FSTV is currently available in 37 million homes nationwide, airing on DISH Network (9415), DIRECTV (348), and Burlington Telecom (122) and streams all programs live at www.freespeech.org
Lee Camp sits down for an interview with Dennis Trainor, Jr. to discuss his new 30-munite weekly comedy show on RT, Redacted Tonight.
“In my opinion, (Redacted Tonight) is The Daily Show with sharper teeth,” says Camp. “The Daily Show is incredibly funny, and I don’t deny that, and I’m a huge fan of The Daily Show, but,” Camp notes, “as Chris Hedges has said, ‘Colbert and Stewart are allowed to go after the foibles of out leaders but they can’t go after the deeper concerns. (Such as) the deeper idea that the two main political parties are completely bought by these corporations and aren’t speaking for the people.”
Lee also talks about his new stand up video special, We Are Nothing, the Liz Wahl, Abby Martin kerfuffle, and what it is like to have Vladimir Putin have editorial control over a comedy show. Ok, the thing about Putin is a joke, but Trainor forces the issue not once, but twice.
Redacted Tonight with Lee Camp airs on the RT network every Friday night at 8PM & 11:30PM EST and is published inline at RT.com.
About Reacted Tonight with Lee Camp |
With reality now seeming like a Shakespearean comedy, perhaps only comedy can truly bring truth to the people. DC-born comedian Lee Camp and a talented cast do just that with RT America’s first comedy show - Redacted Tonight with Lee Camp. This is not your grandparents’ satire program. Every week Redacted Tonight will provide comedy news with a punch. This weekly satire show tackles all the real news stories the mainstream media failed to mention and provides new angles on the ones they do.
In the premiere episode of the show (watch here) “Lee Camp takes a swipe at Monsanto, a company that makes him sick, and John F. O'Donnell gets molested by the tentacles of the billionaire Kochtopus. Obama ends the War in Afghanistan with something other than peace, while Chilean magician, Papas Fritas, makes $500 million in student debt disappear. Sam Sacks examines NSA reform - and by "reform," we mean ''business as usual." A second Deutsche Bank video against boasting bankers is mysteriously leaked, and speaking of leaks - radiation is leaking in New Mexico. Tennessee brings back a shocking punishment, and more!”
You can like Redacted Tonight on facebook and follow on twitter.
About Acronym TV with Dennis Trainor, Jr. |
Dennis Trainor, Jr. hosts Acronym TV, a weekly series of dialogue, conversation and debate with the goal of helping viewers sort through these transformative times through the insight of leading activists, artists, journalists, philosophers, scholars, and thinkers. Acronym TV is part of The Young Turks Network, the largest online news source in the world.
Acronym TV, what do you stand for?
Acronym TV also airs on Free Speech TV. FSTV is currently available in 37 million homes nationwide, airing on DISH Network (9415), DIRECTV (348), and Burlington Telecom (122) and streams all programs live at www.freespeech.org
Acronym TV,
Comedy News,
dennis trainor jr,
Lee Camp,
Lee Camp Redacted Tonight,
Lee Camp RT,
Redacted Tonight,
Stephen Colbert,
The Daily Show with Jon Stewart
June 1, 2014
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