March 28, 2013

Why the Green Party? Or: Capitalism is the Opposite of Democracy

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So my computer has slowly been dying. Weird things have been happening. The screen is getting glitchy. And nowadays I can't edit a video without the harddrive seizing up and shutting off.

I am currently unemployed. No, wait. THIS IS my job. I make t-shirts, I make videos, I do interviews with interesting and intelligent people, and then make that content available to you.

I don't make any money via ad revenue. This is ad-free content.
I don't get paid by any corporation. I rely on the support of you, the audience (just like NPR does.)

While I am searching constantly for side-work to help pay the bills, the only callbacks I'm getting are for things like medical jobs I'm not qualified or suited for, and valet parking. I'm actually hoping to take a valet parking job, where I'll be making $5 an hour. That's where I'm at right now.

I'm not asking you to buy me a new computer. I'm asking for help with getting a computer so that I can continue to produce the content you apparently like (for some reason).

If everybody who "likes" the Punk Patriot's facebook page and reads this blog chipped in $0.50, It would be more than enough:

Raised so far:
View Progress

March 23, 2013

Another note from 2008.

Another facebook note somebody dug up from 2008:

"Wednesday, November 5, 2008 at 10:04am

I voted my conscience this election. I refused to vote out of fear.

I refused to vote for a candidate who supported big coal, big nuclear.
I refused to vote for a candidate who advocated permanent military bases in Iraq.
I refused to vote for a candidate who supported Faith-Based initiatives.
I refused to vote for a candidate who has received millions of dollars from hedge fund managers and wall street speculators.
I refused to vote for a candidate who approved Telecom Immunity, overturning my 4th amendment rights.
I refused to vote for a candidate who supports the Neo-Con foreign policy of "First Strike Defense."
I refused to vote for a candidate who authorized and reauthorized the USAPATRIOT act.
I refused to vote for a candidate who supports NAFTA or the WTO, because I want to bring American jobs back home.
I refused to vote for a candidate who has repeatedly funded the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.
I voted for a candidate who supports full marriage equality for all Americans.
I voted for a candidate who supports a humble non-interventionist foreign policy.

I voted for a candidate whose platform I believed in 100%.

I didn't vote for Obama. I couldn't have if I wanted to do any of the above.

I voted "Third-Party." I knew my candidate was going to lose, and I voted as I did because I refused to compromise my personal platform.

And the sky didn't fall.
In fact, Obama won in a landslide, just like all the polls predicted.
He won all four of Maine's 4 electoral votes, just as the polls predicted.
Obama won.
But did you win?

That remains to be seen. Now is the time that we must pay even greater attention and follow policy with ever increasing scrutiny.

Voting is not the end of your responsibilities as a citizen... it's only the beginning.

Now is the time that we need to shift our focus from the Presidency to the Legislative branch-- where the real power is. They have the ability to legislate. We need to start an active citizen lobby if we're going to change the course in Washington.

Prepare to be disappointed in Obama's policies, and prepare to work harder than ever for the things you believe in."

Damn it, I hate being right about this stuff. -- The Punk Patriot

March 19, 2013

My Interview with Will Hopkins, Exec Dir of NH Peace Action

I interview Will Hopkins, Exec Dir of NH Peace Action. We talk about his time in Iraq, drones, the constitution, and how the Democratic Party apparently hates its own base.

Part 1:

Part 2:

NH Peace Action's webpage:

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So my computer has slowly been dying. Weird things have been happening. The screen is getting glitchy. And nowadays I can't edit a video without the harddrive seizing up and shutting off.

I am currently unemployed. No, wait. THIS IS my job. I make t-shirts, I make videos, I do interviews with interesting and intelligent people, and then make that content available to you.

I don't make any money via ad revenue. This is ad-free content.
I don't get paid by any corporation. I rely on the support of you, the audience (just like NPR does.)

While I am searching constantly for side-work to help pay the bills, the only callbacks I'm getting are for things like medical jobs I'm not qualified or suited for, and valet parking. I'm actually hoping to take a valet parking job, where I'll be making $5 an hour. That's where I'm at right now.

I'm not asking you to buy me a new computer. I'm asking for help with getting a computer so that I can continue to produce the content you apparently like (for some reason).

If everybody who "likes" the Punk Patriot's facebook page and reads this blog chipped in $0.50, It would be more than enough:

Raised so far:
View Progress

Insight from 2008

I don't know what happened recently, but people have been going through notes and photos that I'd posted on my personal facebook page going all the way back to when I first joined (I was an early adopter).

And the things that have been coming up, are interesting. They are like time capsules.

This note was written the day I quit the Democratic Party  for good, and became a dedicated volunteer for the Green Party:

Monday, September 29, 2008 at 10:32am

Not surprisingly the League of Young Voters has endorsed almost all Democrats. Way to propagate the systems of control, League... But I didn't care so much about that, what really bugged me was this:

The Maine league's endorsement statement on Cynthia McKinney/ Rosa Clemente: 

"The League feels that these lesser-known candidates for the presidency deserve their close attention. Cynthia McKinney is a former Democratic legislator with two terms in the Georgia House and six terms in the U.S. House under her belt. She has sponsored legislation that seeks to pursue equality and justice for women, children, and racial minorities. In the late 90’s, President Clinton asked her to work abroad in Liberia and the Democratic Republic of Congo, promoting diplomatic and economic ties. She has enthusiastically taken on the fight for many causes of the disenfranchised: Katrina evacuees, veterans, and families of 9/11 victims. Cynthia’s running mate, Rosa Clemente, is highly respected organizer in the hip-hop community as a fearless and eloquent champion of education and human rights. Their positions are firmly aligned with The League’s, yet we need candidates who have the clout to win."

And you refuse to work to bring them that clout. Ron Paul didn't "have the clout to win," and he was able to send a tidal wave through the political scene when he raised 6 million dollars in one day-- because people didn't care that they were being told he couldn't win-- they just worked FOR WHAT WAS RIGHT. That means something to some people. Not liberals apparently.

And here's their slightly slanderous statement on Ralph Nader:

After almost two decades of unsuccessful bids for the presidency and mounting controversy about stealing the presidential election in 2000, Nader is back and has received enough signatures to be on the ballot in all 50 states. This time he’s not reppin’ the Green Party; he’s an Independent who is running with Matt Gonzalez, an attorney and former President of the Board of Supervisors (think City Council) in San Francisco. Nader has spent the last 50 years working to change public policy and has been influential in creating these consumer protection agencies and laws: Occupational Safety and Health Administration, the Environmental Protection Agency, the Consumer Product Safety Commission, and the Safe Drinking Water Act. His major interests are to ensure that we end corporate welfare, to strengthen our civil rights and protections, and to cut the “bloated, wasteful military budget.” He’s proven that he has the power and influence actually to get himself on the ballot as an Independent, but unfortunately that doesn’t translate into having momentum to win."

Yeah, because that's what the League does-- THEY PICK THE ONES WHO ARE GOING TO WIN ANYWAYS.

And the 2000 election? WTF? It was the League who introduced me to the film "unprecedented" which clearly shows beyond a shadow of a doubt that the election was stolen by REPUBLICANS not Ralph Nader! That election was engineered by people in the Florida State legislature to be fraudulant. Leauge, HOW DARE YOU BLAME VOTERS FOR CHOOSING SOMEBODY THAT REPRESENTS THEM!!?

And ballot access is a herculean task, as ballot access laws largely favor the two parties (even when they break the law). For instance, Bob Bar was the only candidate who filed in time for the Texas Ballot. He is still the only one who is LEGALLY on the ballot. But the Texas Elections board illegally accepted the signatures of the Democratic and Republican parties PAST THE DATE. Can you imagine them doing this for a third party candidate?

For Nader to be on as many ballots as he he is (which is an historic amount for a third party candidacy) is a testament in and of itsself as to the organization and effectiveness of the campaign he is running. And the League should recognize this and push for his inclusion in the Debates as well!

Instead you endorsed the Bush-FISA approving, wiretapping expanding, faith-based initiative funding, Iraq War reauthorizing, Credit Card Company favoring, bankruptcy law changing, USAPATRIOT act reauthorizing, Bush Bailout pushing, Obama/Biden ticket?!?


You've become caught up in the same marginalizing politics of dispair that has crippled the Democratic party into compromising everything they stand for away.

March 16, 2013

Bradley Manning Vs. Oliver North

Subscribe to Dennis Trainor's Channel: -

Broadcast United States vs. Pfc. Bradley Manning on C-Span petition:

The trial of United States v. Pfc. Bradley Manning is expected to begin on June 3, 2013. C-SPAN should be granted access to show the proceedings on television and the Internet, live or with a short delay to appease security concerns. No matter your opinion on this case, the fact remains that it is of very high interest to the public and should be made available for all, not just those who can attend. Bradley Manning is facing life in prison for an "Aiding the Enemy" charge, yet he has been nominated for 3 Nobel Peace Prizes. Being the largest government leak trial in our history, this is a highly controversial case with opinions of Manning ranging from traitor to hero. This would be a great resource for lawyers, law students, journalists, and those with limited access or means of travel.

March 14, 2013

March 12, 2013

How corporations are mixing sawdust into our food. [Lee Camp: Moment of Clarity #213 ]

Inch by inch, dollar by dollar, the corporate power elite chip away at a comfortable life for 99% of the population. It's not always noticeable at first, but it adds up. Here are some is some of the information referenced in the video- Walmart sued: Christine Quinn says no paid sick leave:

This kid is badass

I know him personally. He is a badass.

Watch a 9 year old boy testifies to the Maine Public Utilities Commission about the inappropriateness of a 45 year contract for Nestle's unfettered access to their municipal water supply. Because of Maine's weak groundwater protection laws, Nestle is using the MPUC to help drive their agenda in their control over Maine's water resources.

The Governor of Maine, Paul LePage appoints the PUC commissioners. The commissioners all have ties to Nestle or the law firm that represents them in Maine. Not Ethical...

Lee Camp on RT talking about the TPP

March 11, 2013

My Testimony at the South Portland City Council hearing on Tar Sands

Hi there.

My name is Asher Platts, I live in Portland.

I grew up in an oil family. I have been inside of the corporate offices of Exxon-Mobil in Dallas and Fort Worth. I grew up reading industry memos and publications. For that reason I want to thank all the oil executives for coming out here today to spread disinformation and thwart democracy.

Disinformation doesn't have to be false-- most of the information they presented tonight, like the stuff about the ambient temperature of the pipeline and so forth, while much if it may have been factually true, had nothing to do with tar sands. I thought that was clever of them to include so much irrelevant information to distract us from the issue at hand. Well done.

We hear a lot about how Portland Pipeline creates jobs here in South Portland. I happen to know that Portland Pipeline is hostile towards their union. I believe it's the USW. I think that's great. Because really-- why should workers get paid? I mean at all? And if you have workers falling off of the docks into freezing cold ocean water-- I say, "let the free market decide whether or not there is adequate guard rails."

Now one of the cardinal rules of business is that the opportunity for profit comes with risk-- to which I say, "so what?"

Let's remember what's really at stake here-- millions of dollars for a small number of corporate executives. I mean, are we going to let the health and safety of the people of Southern Maine stand in the way of THAT?

I know I personally would be glad to die of cancer so that an oil executive could make even one additional dollar. So long as they are able to turn a profit, I will know my untimely death will not have been in vain.

I would urge you to vote in favor of re-permitting these smoke stacks so that tar sands can be brought to South Portland from Canada. It's our duty as Americans to make sure that the people who have all the money always get exactly what they want, no matter how many people suffer because of it.

Thank you,
Asher Platts

March 5, 2013

[MUSIC] Cuddle Magic

I can't stop listening to this album.

Also, after discovering this band and not knowing who was in it, I found out that somebody my brother and I went to high school with is a member of this Brooklyn-based chamber ensemble. Small world. Especially when you're from Maine.

Bradley Manning and "Collateral Murder"

Dennis Trainor Jr sits down with journalist Alexa O'Brien to talk about Bradley Manning's testimony during his Court Martial.

March 3, 2013

[MUSIC] Lady Lamb and the Beekeeper

Lady Lamb aka Aly Spaltro came up in the music scene of my hometown, Portland Maine.

She moved away to NYC, and has been blowing up since then. She just played a CD release show here in Portland last night at Space Gallery, and brought down the house.

Here's a previous recording of hers:

You can get her new album at

Alex Steed: Capitalism is Collapsing

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Sustaining Donor page: Click here

March 1, 2013

[MUSIC] An Anderson

An Anderson: One of my favorite new bands from Portland Maine's local scene.