Why the "War on Terror" will never end.
Barack Obama’s counterterrorism speech Thursday was predictably and perhaps
characteristically, frustrating. In what seems to have become his
modus-operandi, President Obama said all the right things, acknowledging that
the war on terror cannot and should not, be sustained indefinitely. But, as
usual, he was short on specific plans or legislative actions to put his vast
promises into concrete action.
did not stop the Obama Cheering Squad (a.k.a., the corporate media) from salivating in orgasmic ecstasy over the
entire speech, though.
lengthy New York Times editorial
lauds the president’s address, calling it a “momentous turning point in
post-9/11 America” (“The End of Perpetual War,” 5/24/13). The Times editors conclude the piece, “There
have been times when we wished we could hear the right words from Mr. Obama on
issues like these, and times we heard the words but wondered about his
commitment. This was not either of those moments.”
I’m glad the NYT is apparently so
easily satisfied. The rest of us, however, may need a lot more convincing beyond
Obama’s rhetoric, lofty as it may be.
Dreyfus of The Nation hails the
president’s speech as “important and transformative” (“Global War on Terror, RIP,” 5/24/13). Dreyfus then goes on to
defend Obama’s use of unmanned predator drones, or simply “the drone issue,” as
he calls it. He writes: “First of all, a drone is just another weapon in the
American arsenal, not unlike cruise missiles which President Clinton unloaded on
Al Qaeda in 1998, and other lethal power.”
that, to my knowledge at least, Clinton never used cruise missiles to illegally
and arbitrarily target American
citizens. Indeed, it is astounding how blithely Dreyfus minimizes “the drone
issue” as though it is an afterthought. Then again, given some 80 percent of
liberals approve of drones, I suppose I should not be
there is no doubt the “War on Terror,” or the “Global Struggle Against
Extremism,” or whatever made-for-newspaper-headlines label we are supposed use
for it now, must end. I just would not hold my breath waiting for Obama to end
it. Obama is, in many respects, a greater warmonger than George W. Bush. Upon
accepting his absurdly undeserved Nobel Peace
Prize shortly after taking office, President Obama disingenuously invoked
the peace activism of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. only to then attempt to
discredit the approach.
a head of state sworn to protect and defend my nation, I cannot be guided by
their [King and Gandhi’s] examples alone,” Obama
face the world as it is and cannot stand idle in the face of threats to the
American people. For make no mistake: evil does exist in the world. A
non-violent movement could not have halted Hitler’s armies. Negotiations cannot
convince al-Qaeda’s leaders to lay down their arms. To say that force is
sometimes necessary is not a call to cynicism—it is a recognition of history… So
yes, the instruments of war do have a role to play in preserving the
how can Obama say for certain that negotiations with al-Qaeda would prove
leaders have proposed peace negotiations—on the condition the U.S. leave
Afghanistan and Iraq, and Israel withdraw from the Palestinian Occupied
Territories—twice in the last ten years and the Bush and Obama administrations
have both promptly dismissed them outright. Once again, the “politically
practical”—military aggression, in this case—trumps the “naïve altruism” of
peace and nonviolence. Perhaps the real reason peace is not considered a
“realistic” foreign policy option is because weapons manufacturers—like
tax-dodging NBC owners, General Electric—cannot make any money off
United States has been at war with al-Qaeda and other affiliated organizations
for over a decade now. The war in Afghanistan is the longest war in U.S. history. And
while the military combat in Iraq may be technically over, the corporate
occupation remains very much in place. According to the nonprofit Project On
Government Oversight (POGO),
14,000-16,000 private contractors and U.S. corporations—including such
heavyweights as KBR, DynCorp and Blackwater/Academi—maintain a strong presence
in Iraq. And those are just the officially declared wars most Americans are
cognizant of. We also deliver daily bombings, via unmanned predator drones, to
Pakistan, Somalia, Libya and Yemen.
“war on terror,” like the Cold War of the 1950s, is an open-ended, potentially
endless conflict against an ambiguous, ill-defined enemy and a culture—Islam,
essentially—which we stubbornly refuse to understand. Rather than educating
ourselves about the Islamic religion or the history and culture of the Middle
East, we instead hide behind the infantile question, “Why do they hate us?” (The
correspondingly infantile answer: “They hate us because of our freedom.”) The
actual answer, of course, likely has less to do with how much “freedom” we
enjoy, and the degree to which we, through our ongoing efforts of pre-emptive
war, militarization and occupation, inflict upon the rest of the world the same
sort of barbaric violence we vehemently decry when unleashed upon
therein lays the bitter irony of the war on terror. Our imperialist
actions—carried out in the name of fighting terrorism—only serve to create more
hostility against America, thus leading to more terrorist attacks. According to
Guardian blogger, Glenn Greenwald,
this is, in fact, the point. In a piece from earlier this year, Greenwald called
the terror war, “a pure and perfect system of self-perpetuation” (“The ‘War on Terror’—by Design—Can Never End,”
one can say for certain is that there is zero reason for US officials to want an
end to the war on terror, and numerous and significant reasons why they would
want it to continue. It’s always been the case that the power of political
officials is at its greatest, its most unrestrained, in a state of
you were a US leader, or an official of the National Security State, or a
beneficiary of the private military and surveillance industries, why would you
possibly want the war on terror to end? That would be the worst thing that could
happen. It’s that war that generates limitless power, impenetrable secrecy, an
unquestioning citizenry, and massive profit.”
war on terror, therefore, can never end. Not, that is, unless We the People
force that ending through massive organized resistance, nonviolent civil
disobedience and by abandoning the two corporate parties that enable (and benefit
from) this war of terror’s continuation.
war is not meant to be won,” George Orwell wrote prophetically in 1984, “it is meant to be
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