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So H.R. 847, the James Zadroga 9/11 Health and Compensation act of 2010 would have paid for healthcare for first responders who are dying as a direct result of the fact that they were first responders on 9/11/2001.
"How would they pay for this entitlment?" you might ask. Well, they were going to pay for it by closing the tax loophole that allows billion dollar corporations to avoid paying taxes on income earned in the US by setting up PO boxes in other countries.
This bill was pretty fucking amazing. No fucked-up riders, no blatant gifts to private interests... So there's obviously no way this bill is going to get through congress alive.
First off, the Democrats used a proceedure that required a 2/3rds vote.
Second, our congress is populated with America-hating, heartless assholes who should be shoved in a dark closet, and locked inside without access to light, food, or water.
How many heartless assholes? 159 heartless assholes. That's how many.
These are their names, congressional districts, and party affiliation. Let's be sure that they lose their next election. Democrats who voted Nay are in bold:
Jo Bonner AL-1
Bobby Bright AL-2
Michael Rogers AL-3
Robert Aderholt AL-4
Spencer Bachus AL-6
Trent Franks AZ-2
Jeff Flake AZ-6
Robert Berry AR-1
John Boozman AR-3
Walter Herger CA-2
Daniel Lungren CA-3
Tom McClintock CA-4
Devin Nunes CA-21
Elton Gallegly CA-24
Howard McKeon CA-25
David Dreier CA-26
Edward Royce CA-40
Jerry Lewis CA-41
Gary Miller CA-42
Ken Calvert CA-44
Mary Bono-Mack CA-45
Dana Rohrabacher CA-46
John Campbell CA-48
Darrell Issa CA-49
Brian Bilbray CA-50
Duncan Hunter CA-52
Doug Lamborn CO-5
Mike Coffman CO-6
Michael Castle DE
Jeff Miller FL-1
Ander Crenshaw FL-4
Virginia Brown-Waite FL-5
Clifford Stearns FL-6
John Mica FL-7
Gus Bilirakis FL-9
Adam Putnam FL-12
Vern Buchanan FL-13
Connie Mack FL-14
Bill Posey FL-15
Thomas Rooney FL-16
Ileana Ros-Lehtinen FL-18
Lincoln Diaz-Balart FL-21
Mario Diaz-Balart FL-25
Jack Kingston GA-1
Lynn Westmoreland GA-3
Tom Price GA-6
Paul Broun GA-10
John Gingrey GA-11
Charles Djou HI-1
Michael Simpson ID-2
Peter Roskam IL-6
Melissa Bean IL-8
Judy Biggert IL-13
Timothy Johnson IL-15
Donald Manzullo IL-16
Aaron Schock IL-18
John Shimkus IL-19
Stephen Buyer IN-4
Dan Burton IN-5
Mike Pence IN-6
Thomas Latham IA-4
Steve King IA-5
Lynn Jenkins KS-2
Edward Whitfield KY-1
Geoff Davis KY-4
Harold Rogers KY-5
Steve Scalise LA-1
John Fleming LA-4
Rodney Alexander LA-5
Bill Cassidy LA-6
Charlse Boustany LA-7
Roscoe Bartlett MD-6
Vernon Ehlers MI-3
David Camp MI-4
Frederick Upton MI-6
Michael Rogers MI-8
Thaddeus McCotter MI-11
John Kline MN-2
Erik Paulsen MN-3
Michele Bachmann MN-6
Gregg Harper MS-3
Samuel Graves MO-6
Roy Blunt MO-7
Jo Ann Emmerson MO-8
Blaine Luetkemeyer MO-9
Dennis Rehberg MT
Jefferey Fortenberry NE-1
Lee Terry NE-2
Adrian Smith NE-3
Dean Heller NV-2
Scott Garrett NJ-5
Christopher Lee NY-26
Virginia Foxx NC-5
Howard Coble NC-6
Sue Myrick NC-9
Patrick McHenry NC-10
Jean Scmidt OH-2
Michael Turner OH-3
Jim Jordan OH-4
Robert Latta OH-5
Steve Austria OH-7
John Boehner OH-8
Patrick Tiberi OH-12
Steven LaTourette OH-14
John Sullivan OK-1
Frank Lucas OK-3
Tom Cole OK-4
Mary Fallin OK-5
Greg Walden OR-2
Glenn Thompson PA-5
Jim Gerlach PA-6
William Shuster PA-9
Joseph Pitts PA-16
Todd Platts PA-19
Henry Brown SC-1
Addison Wilson SC-2
James Barrett SC-3
Bob Inglis SC-4
Phil Roe TN-1
John Duncan TN-2
Jim Cooper TN-5
Marsha Blackburn TN-7
Louis Gohmert TX-1
Ted Poe TX-2
Samuel Johnson TX-3
Ralph Hall TX-4
Jeb Hensarling TX-5
Joe Barton TX-6
John Culberson TX-7
Kevin Brady TX-8
Michael McCaul TX-10
K. Conaway TX-11
Kay Granger TX-12
William Thornberry TX-13
Ron Paul TX-14
Randy Neugebauer TX-19
Lamar Smith TX-21
Pete Olson TX-22
Kenny Marchant TX-24
Michael Burgess TX-26
John Carter TX-31
Peter Sessions TX-32
Rob Bishop UT-1
Jason Chaffetz UT-3
Rob Wittman VA-1
J Forbes VA-4
Robert Goodlate VA-6
Eric Cantor VA-7
Frank Wolf VA-10
Doc Hastings WA-4
Cathy McMorris Rodgers WA-5
Dave Reichart WA-8
Shelley Capito WV-2
Ryan Paul WI-1
F. Sensenbrenner WI-5
Thomas Petri WI-6
Cynthia Lummis WY
Here's the Daily Show segment on the subject:
The Daily Show With Jon Stewart | Mon - Thurs 11p / 10c | |||
I Give Up - 9/11 Responders Bill | ||||
Full information on the voting roll here:
Anthony Wiener's speech in full:
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