February 5, 2011
The Punk Patriot Performs an Experiment
Hi there. It’s been a while.
I’m a little fuzzier than last time we talked. I know you might have liked me better clean-shaven, but it’s cold outside, so I ask that you just put up with it.
So a little housekeeping to start. I want to point out that in a past video, I said that congress would never pass a repeal of DADT. Some of you asked that I make a retraction. So here it is: I was wrong about that, and I’m glad to be wrong about that. Now I can say things like “Shouldn’t all our soldiers be allowed to marry whomever they want?”
However, I don’t feel I’m wrong that both parties use wedge issues to fire up their base, and that neither party actually cares about these wedge issues. When Republicans rail against illegal immigration, and then it turns out that they have illegal immigrants working at their mansions as full time staff, that’s not hypocrisy. That’s just flat contempt for the stupidity of the voting population. When Democrats say that they care about poor people, but refuse to talk about Single Payer healthcare, or a living wage, that’s not their playing to the middle. They just don’t care. They’ve got corporate dollars to chase after so that they can fight the next election battle. Which brings me to another point I would like to develop more in a later video-- the real power center of the USA isn’t in Washington, DC. Those familiar with the term, “Soft Power” will recognize that the place where the bulk of the nation’s decisions are actually made is on Wall Street, in New York City. Protesting in Washington DC to be heard by congress or the President, is like yelling at a McDonald’s cashier about the rain forests being cleared for cattle in Brazil. It might make you feel better, but the kid behind the counter isn’t the person making the decisions for the company. He’s only there because that’s where he gets his paycheck. His job is to sell you on the idea of buying the apple pie... which isn’t even really an apple pie, but some sort of strudel in a cardboard box. and Ain’t that America?
One more item of housekeeping. This video is sort of an experiment. I want to see if actually want me to keep making these videos or not. If you do, please subscribe over at my blog for whatever level is right for you. We can work together on this. If I can get say, 60 people to subscribe at $10 a month (that’s $2.5 a week) I’ll be able to afford to quit my job, where I’m currently working 54hrs a week, and find part time work. I can also start making a Punk Patriot video every week.
Currently, I have 5 subscribers at the $10 a month level. They are awesome people who get it. Thank you to: Maike Both, Patti Ellis, Jason Dawson, Michelle Duffy, and Billie Rae Lucoff.
Others are saying, “Wait! Didn’t you get rich with your YouTube Partnership and your thousands of views on your last few videos?”
No. Due to a glitch, google ad-sense never linked with my YouTube channel, and I was never able to collect my massive monthly paycheck of a whopping 38 cents in ad revenue.
And now some of you kids who think everything on the internet should be free, I want to tell you something-- things in real life aren’t free. And if I’m going to work all the time so that I can afford to stay alive, then I won’t have time to make videos. So if you’re okay with that, please don’t donate, and I’ll go away.
bowling green,
New York City,
Soft Power,
The Punk Patriot,
Wall Street,
Washington DC,
wedge issue
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I'm trying to cooperate with your experiment but Paypal is not helping, I'm working out a solution.
ReplyDeleteBest Sebas2k
"It is not from the benevolence of the butcher, the brewer, or the baker, that we expect our dinner, but from regard to their own interest. We address ourselves, not to their humanity but to their self-love, and never talk to them of our own necessities but of their advantages. Nobody but a beggar chooses to depend chiefly upon the benevolence of his fellow citizens."
ReplyDeleteI think you will do better for your common man by working a job... not by advocating plunder by the Government
You are working hard to survive and even harder to be heard. I do not consider you a "beggar" nor are you "relying chiefly upon the benevolence" of your fellow citizen. I feel if the person above was a real supporter they would have chosen a different quote. Shame on anyone who shoots you down. I am positive that whatever final choices were made prior to this video took a long time to plan out and decide. If the case was trying to have others "pay your way" wouldn't you have done it from the start and not waited until you were suffering financially to call on us to assist? I get a large check on the 12th of February and I can guarantee that the suggested ten dollars a month will be payed in one lump sum for the year shortly after that date if not more. YOU DESERVE IT!!! Keep up the good work and let me know if you ever need an extra voice.
ReplyDelete@Leslie Thank you very much!
ReplyDelete@Anonymous: The butcher, brewer, and baker all do what they do in exchange for money as well. They must be beggars.
Also, what do you really mean, "plunder by the government?"
ReplyDeleteI mean, are you trying to say that the ultra-wealthy didn't get their riches through plundering the commons? Because they did.
Dude, I wish I had the money to spare. I'm scratching those lottery tickets as fast as I can!
ReplyDeleteHere's how I see it. I am fortunate enough to have a job and if I lived in Maine I would be buying a coffee with the Punk Patriot twice a month to discuss this stuff.
ReplyDeleteI think in terms of lattes being from Seattle and all.
I understand that this kind of stuff takes time and effort. People who do not have the inclination to create ANYTHING would not understand that.
Your detractors should donate, as well, considering how much they enjoy commenting on the threads under your stuff, or on your various pages of social media presence.