So, with the help of friends, I have put together a news segment about Health Insurance for, which you can view here:
What is is this great interactive web community and television station where YOU get to influence what you see on TV by voting on what stories you want to see.
You can also create your own news stories, like I've done.
Okay, but why do you need help?
Since everything in is voted on, I need your help to vote this news story to the top of the Viewer Created Content leaderboard.
If it reaches #1, it will be aired on Current TV, and Al Gore (who owns and current TV) will cut me and my crew a check for $1,000 for the intellectual property rights, which we will invest into making even better news segments on issues that don't get covered by the nightly news.
How can I help?
In order to vote, you need to have a profile on, but don't worry! It's easy to sign up!
You'll be sent an email to confirm your account, and after confirming you can vote on this story, and thousands of others, connect with other members of the community, recommend news stories, clip news headlines from the web (which if selected are read by Vicky, the ROBOT VOICE OF NEWS on current TV), or even record and make your own news segments yourself, like me and my crew have!
After you sign up and vote yourself, please be sure to spread the word by sharing this note!
Thanks so much!
Asher, Jaz, & Corey
Congress Watch News
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